| 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 | 10

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"Scared?" Carnage, Neon, and Venom chorused.

"Mm-hmm," she didn't like the sound of gunshots. They were loud and frightening. She flinched every time one was released, and they were being fired every moment. "I wanna go home, I'm scared-"

A different hand reached over and pried Meira away from Ryat. The hand then turned her face around and she met dreamy eyes slightly covered by dirty blonde hair.

"I hear you, and I get it," he smiled gently, "Just cool, don't panic. We're not gonna let anything happen to you, got it? We got you, baby girl, you ain't got shit to be scared about. Just trust us."

Neon settled back where he previously was and pulled the safety off the gun. His words seemed to have reassured the genuinely frightened Meira. Feeling eyes on him, he looked over her head and met Carnage's slate-grey eyes. He was staring at him scarily intensely, but Neon returned the exact stare. In the end, Venom had to stop the tension-filled staring contest to remind them that they were in the middle of a shootout with the police.

Ryat threw a second glance at Meira to make sure she was okay, but instead of that, his eyes moved to the hand gripping her waist. It was a tight hold, fingers digging into her skin. He frowned at the way he held her body with so much possession but didn't say anything and turned back around.

"Y'all, we can't stay here. We gotta bounce. This place ain't safe," Korpse breathed heavily, sweating from the constant moving about.

"Okay, so here's the plan, Carnage and Venom along with Snow are gonna move inside the bar while Neon, Korpse, and I cover for you guys," Bandit suggested but was immediately shut down.

"Are you nuts? Hell no! We're not leaving anybody behind I'm not losing any of you guys," Neon hissed and checked his guns. "Fuck, I'm running outta ammo."

"Then what the fuck are we gonna do then?" Ryat sat his empty gun on the ground. "My tool's empty, I have spares kept inside the bar."

"We're gonna need a distraction. If we go to the front they're gonna shoot us dead or capture us and that's not gonna happen so we're gonna go to the back instead, but to do that we need a distraction and a good one too," Bandit swallowed, and bit his lip, thinking about what to do.

Out of nowhere, Korpse began looking in the distance. A puzzled Bandit caught Korpse looking and followed his gaze. Both came to a realization.

Bandit looked at Korpse, Korpse turned to look at Venom, Venom looked at Neon in confusion, and Neon of course turned to Carnage. A few eye contact signals later and everyone had their eyes set on Katniss. Her jumpsuit and hands were soaked in blood. She felt their gazes and looked over, while staring she blew a big blue bubble from the gum she hadn't stopped chewing.

The boys huddled together and devised an escape plan, Venom and Bandit used hand signs and signals to communicate with Katniss and she nodded in understanding. The five checked their guns to see how many bullets they had left to spare and saw that they were low on ammo. They needed to escape before the cops could capture them.

The bar they were at - the Hell City Bar - was a regular hangout spot for gangsters, bikers, and corrupt police officers. It was also a spot known for selling different types of drugs, gambling, and storing counterfeit goods that would later be transported throughout the country.

It being a bar was a mere cover-up, the things that took place there are beyond the world.

"Cease fire! Cease all fire!" the head officer said, putting a hand up with two fingers raised from his fist. Through a microphone, he said, "Drop your weapons and come out with your hands on your heads! This is your last chance! We know what has been going on here! You are all under arrest! I repeat you are all-"

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