Chapter 25

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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘕𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨...

A faint blueish sliver of light trickles through the window between the curtains. It was just the right amount to outline three figures on a white bed deep in a peaceful slumber–well, not all of them.

Neon was awake, phone in hand, using his thumb to scroll through the internet. As an innate early bird, he woke up hours ago and grew immediately bored. He sighed, seeing nothing to spike his interest. The phone fell from his hand onto his chest and he frowned, he hated being bored. Neon felt movement and turned to look at the two people next to him, Meira was still sleeping on his arm while Ryat has his head on her chest.

He picked his phone back up to take a picture of them, but before sliding the camera icon at the right corner of the screen up he stopped to stare at the picture of Meira as his screen lock wallpaper. It was a picture of her with a butterfly on the tip of her nose, she looked at it cross-eyed with cheeks flushed from embarrassment. Neon kissed his screen, then looked at Meira and softly kissed her hairline. She stirred in her sleep, pouted, but didn't wake up–she only began smiling. Then his eyes strayed to Carnage with his head on her br**sts–he looked calm, as if he had no struggles in the world. But only Neon, Ryat and the boys knew the inner demons he fights on a daily basis.

Neon randomly used a finger to tickle behind Ryat's ear and almost laughed when he frowned angrily. He was a grumpy motherf**ker even in his sleep.

‘The f**k is the time?’ he pressed the side of his phone again to check the time, it was one minute passed six in the morning. Neon shut the phone off and decided it was the perfect time to start praying–Ryat's religiousness had rubbed off on him, but Zayde's idea of praying was completely different. He closed his eyes and began to pray:

“Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil; as my Gun and my Knife, they comfort me. If a b**ch f**ks around she gon' get her skull thrown around. Thank you God for waking me up this morning so I can see what motherf**ker wants to test the patience you forgot to give me. Lord, I pray the next bucket of sh*t that glares at me falls off a cliff and d**s. And I hope those who hate me will be eaten alive by Rats. To you, I pray, Amen.”

He felt better after the prayer, he looked over at them and met Ryat staring at him. “Dude...” he looked him up and down, “Are you praying to God or Satan? What kind of f**ked up sh*t is that?”

“You dismember and t*rt*re people all the damn time then pray to God to protect you from evil spirits and to let you live to see many years. Who's worse? You or me?” Neon smirked at Carnage, he just looked away with a chuckle.

“Good morning, Neon,” Ryat turned on his back.

“Good morning baby girl,” he pinched Ryat's cheek.

“Ayo, what the f**k?” Carnage slapped his hand, both laughing. “Man, if you don't get the f**k out with that gay sh*t.”

“Alright, alright. I'm done playing,” Neon pulled the sheet on Meira because Ryat had mistakenly pulled it off. “I'd be damned if I said I ain't smitten with baby Snow White here. She's adorable.”

“She's a brat, and she's stubborn as f**k,” Ryat rolled his eyes.

“Don't be mean to her Ryat,” he glared at him.

“Zayde,” Ryat took on a more stern tone. He turned to look at Neon with his face void of any emotion. “In the Police Reports, the time of Roxanne's d**th was never released because it couldn't be determined. How did you know she d**d at nine a.m.? And don't f**king lie to me.”

“Because I k*ll*d her,” Neon said proudly, almost in a boastful manner. “I k*ll*d Roxanne Gardner.”

“Cut the b*llsh*t,” Ryat couldn't believe his ears.

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