| 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 | 08

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"I'm telling you, Carnage beheaded someone with a piece of glass and after he'd done it he had them cooked and served to the prisoners who were dying of hunger," Katniss bit into an apple as she drove Meira to the store she spoke of earlier. "This one time I heard he-"

"Stop. Stop talking," Meira could listen to no more. The stories were indeed as stomach-sickening as she had warned her about. "I need some time to process this."

"Okay, but I just wanted to say Carnage had three guys skinned alive and used their skins to make a jacket. Their bones were made into jewelry afterward, like for example, a skull ring carved by himself in fine detail."

Meira's ears perked up at that. "A skull ring? Wait, for how long did you say Carnage was in prison?"

"Five years. Why?"

Could it be - no. Impossible. Carnage cannot be Ryat. Her brother isn't a heartless monster like these stories entail. She wouldn't believe anything.

"Nothing, just continue."

"Look girl there are tons of stories of what these boys have done, I don't remember most of them but I'm telling you what I know. This one happened in jail. When Carnage was there a guard fed him spoiled food, in retaliation he gouged his eyes out with a spoon and then shoved them down his throat. He used a knife he got from Satan knows where to slice his body open, rip his heart out, squeeze all of the blood from it into a glass, and wash his face with it.

"The prisoners who witnessed this I've heard didn't sleep for days afterward," Katniss drove into a parking lot and removed the key to shut the engine off. "He had all the guards in his hands, he sold drugs from prison and the money he made he gave each one a cut. He was the top dog there and could do anything he wanted. I only know so much because I got links all over if you know what I'm saying. Don't tell anyone I told you this stuff, you didn't hear anything from me.

"The Bloodlust Bastards are a tight-knit group of seven boys. Two of them died six years ago, they were twins. Heck, they were young but serial killers in the making. They'd already passed the test for the MacDonald Triad. As for the remaining five - Carnage, Neon, Korpse, Venom, and Bandit -, they're still alive and they run this town. You fuck with them and end up lifeless the next day. Everyone in Arkville has heard of them. They're pretty infamous for doing horrible things."

The two alighted at the same time and met at the front of the car. Meira was shaken up from everything Katniss told her. Carnage is a fitting name for someone who hacked a man's limbs off while he was forced to watch his wife and daughter being violated over and over again.

She let Katniss lead her into the store and zoned out as she gave her sister a welcoming hug. The stories made fear grip her like a Boa constrictor. Each group member had a list of unbelievably, inexplicably, and disturbingly sickening things they'd done - and they weren't short ones either.

"Mei bae, what do you think about this anklet? It's a little on the expensive side but my sister owns the place she'll give me a discount so whatever," she peered at the anklet in her hands, it was a gold one with violet jewels embedded in it. There were also five small butterflies attached to it. "So, what do you think? You have good taste I see the way you dress."

Meira was too traumatized to speak. "I think I'm gonna be sick," she ran out to vomit by some bushes at the fence.

Katniss chased after her and stood in the sun confused. 'Dang it, I should've kept my mouth shut,' she told herself and flashed her hair. She ran over to Meira while holding her boobs in place.

"Mei bae, are you okay? What happened?" she rubbed circles on her back.

"I don't wanna hear anything more about them. Don't tell me anything more. It's too m-" she puked again.

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