Chapter 23

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What ensued were blood-curdling screams and horrified expressions plastered on faces. The screams of Meira and Yulia alerted everyone in the mansion. Seeing her mother on the ground in such a condition was enough to make Meira faint, but she held her balance and ran over instead. She shook her mother's body while screaming her name, but Syahla was unresponsive. Meira placed her hands under her body and pulled her into her arms, she looked at the others with tears running down her cheeks and her mothers blood tainting her school attire. It was a morbid painting on display; one that would forever scar her mind.

“Mom... Mom wake up! Mom don't leave me here! Mom!” she yelled, heart shattering the more the realization sunk in.

Meira saw the knife in her stomach and held the handed, preparing to pull it out but a hand grabbed her wrist. She looked up and met Venom's bright eyes–he was equally in a state of distraught. Unable to believe the lady he had spoken to just the previous night was now possibly lifeless in her daughter's arms.

“Don't remove the knife. If you do she'll bleed to death,” he kneeled and put a finger under her nostrils. “She's still breathing,” he wasted no time in struggling out of his jacket then put it over her. “Hang in there mami. Don't f**king die on me,” he took her in his arms and stood up.

“My wife!” Theodore yelled, crying bitterly. “My beautiful wife! Who did this to you?” he tried touching her but Venom sidestepped him and left.

Everyone ran out after him, Meira was inconsolable on the ground. Neon was the one who had to forcefully take her into his arms and comfort her. He tried his best but it was hardly working. Carnage soon arrived having just heard the commotion, he had been getting ready to go to work when screams echoed through the walls and met his ears. Seeing Meira being comforted by Neon he quickly went over and joined him in calming her down. The two did the best they could, but it wasn't enough to stop her from shaking, sobbing and crying hot salty tears.

“Jesus better take the wheel right now before I do because if that happens I'm burning every f**ker in Arkville alive,” Neon looked at a stressed out Carnage. “Who the f**k could've done this, man?”

“I don't know Zayde,” Ryat wiped her tears. “The whole town thinks she k!lled Roxanne. Though I'm not surprised something like this happened, it's still pretty f**ked up man. It could've been anyone, but my guess is gonna be someone from her family.”

“This is some b*llsh*t, horsesh*t, crabsh*t, goatsh*t, fishsh*t, catsh*t and just sh*t in general. She d**d last week around nine in the morning, why can't they just let that sh*t go? Man, I don't like when Snow's sad. It makes me angry.”

“Couldn't agree more. Stay here with her and I'll call K!ller Swan and see if she can round up some information for us,” he hugged Meira and then stepped off to make the call.

“Mom... Mom.. M-mom...” her fingers and lips were trembling. Cold sweat washed her body. Her eyes were wide and bloodshot.

Neon whipped out his phone and called an ambulance, the police in this situation would be very useless–most were paid off by the gangsters to not investigate anything, and Syahla was already hated since everyone thought she was a m*rd*rer. ‘Damn it,’ he cursed and picked Meira up.

“Yo Neon, where you going?” Ryat asked when he noticed Meira in his arms.

“The ambulance is on the way. I'm gonna take her to them. We can't calm her down, but maybe they can,” Neon explained, not only was immense worry in his whisky-colored eyes he sounded deeply affected by her state in his voice as well.

Knowing that was his homeboy and he didn't have anything to worry about he approved him leaving with Meira. What Ryat needs to do is find out who snuck into the mansion, into Syahla's room and did this–fortunately, the person was right under his nose.

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