Chapter 33

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An ice-cold water droplet of water fell on her head and soaked through her hair straight to her skull. She shivered and groaned as she regained her long awaited consciousness. At first she felt disoriented, but it became progressively clear she was not at the Hamilton resident. It wasn't clear where she was, she only knew she had her hands bound behind her back in a dark room that enveloped her in its mild and dense embrace. Slivers of light passed through the boards, Meira couldn't tell the time but it was cold–it was either late evening or early morning.

Meira began looking around frantically in the dimly lit room. There was a distant throbbing in her head but it wasn't severe.

“Meira, my love,” she heard a voice pierce the coldness of the room.

Her head snapped towards the direction of the voice. “Christopher?” he too seemed to be in a chair, her first thought was that he was also taken and trapped here. “Oh my God, Chris! They got you too? Don't...don't worry. We're gonna find a way out of here. They can't keep us here forever.”

“Oh, darling, you're the only one trapped here.”

He pulled on an iron chain. A single light bulb turned on. Meira could now see everything clearly, and indeed she was the only one tied up. Chris was sitting across from her comfortably in a wooden chair, he had casts on his legs, tousled hair and hollowed out cheeks but aside from that he was still her ex-boyfriend. The corners of his lips were quirked up wickedly, Meira felt cold sweat wash her body. He was disturbing to look at–speaking of which, what was he doing here?

“Chris? What are you doing? Untie me!” she demanded, moving her body which resulted in the ropes pulling tightly on her wrists. “Ouch. Chris!”

“Untie you? Why? The fun hasn't even started yet,” he grabbed walking canes leaned against the wall and used them to make his way to her. “Do you know where we are baby?”

“No,” she looked around again. That's when it dawned on her. “What the–we're at school! In the abandoned pool mentainence room where we used to skip class together. Christopher, w-what are we doing here?” the closer he got the higher her fear increased.

He stopped inches away, he smelled of tobacco and something a little spicy. “Look at me, Meira. You see what your big brother and his friends did to me? Huh?” he screamed in her face.

Meira shut her eyes and turned her head. He seemed furious–understandably so–but why has he kidnapped her? Did he cause the accident too? Was this all a part of his plan? What was he going to do with her now that she was at his mercy?


“Shut up!” his hand landed heavily on her cheek, she winced as her head turned from the force.

“I don't want to hear anything from you. You're sick and disgusting. You and your brother. I hate the both of for ruining my life. Why did you leave me Meira? Why baby? We could've been married by now,” he ran his thumb over the area he slapped. Her skin there was cracked and the area around it changing from pink to red real quick. “I had loved you. I never cared about Bella. Don't you know men can have s£x with a woman without loving them? I never loved her, I love you. You're my everything baby, but you ruined what we had.”

Meira wanted to cry and crawl into a corner, but with all the things that have happened recently she knew that was not an option–she couldn't do so anyway. But she certainly wasn't going to show weakness by crying, at least not in front of this monster. She turned to look back at him with her eyes red and tears threatening to fall, blood started running down from where he slapped her.

“Apologize to me, and then you and I can run away from here and move to Los Angeles. We can get married and have a family,” Chris ran his index across her collarbone. “Do it. Say you're sorry.”

𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now