Chapter 36

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“Little Dove,” Ryat called in a low baritone, his rumbling voice sending shivers to her cl*t, “Come to Daddy.”

She removed her glasses and walked to him, when she neared him she wondered, ‘How are we going to do it out here? Don't tell me we're going to do it on the bike! That's unholy and not good!’ yet the mere thought had her panties dampening.

He didn't like how far she seemed even though she was in front of him. He grabbed the front of her skirt with his fingers then proceeded to pull her closer, while looking into her eyes he slid a hand up her delicate plump thigh. He stopped at the part nearest to her p**sy and squeezed it. Ryat bit his lip, his eyes dark with a hunger only quenchable by being buried deep inside her. He moved further up until he could feel the top of her shorts and began pulling it down.

“Are we really going to do this?” Meira asked, he stopped moving her shorts when it reached her knees. “Out here? In the open?”

“Take. It. Off.”

Three words. One demand. She obeyed.

“C'mere,” he beckoned her forward with his curled index. She obediently came closer until her legs touched the bike. “I won't ever do something you don't like or want to do, but I want to f**k you. Right here, right now. There's so many fantasies in my head, ones with you chained to a bed with your legs spread out, your p**sy showcased like a buffet. But there's so little time. Meira, if you tell me no right now we don't have to do this, I swear.

“I'd never force you or ask 'why?'. I'll simply obey, because I care about you more than anything in the world. I don't know how I'll be able to survive without you for however long that cunning b**ch with anchor br**sts plans to keep me in Italy. You've...become an important part of my life, I hate to admit,” he pulled her into an intimate embrace, face burying in her fluffy br**sts. “How will I survive without my Little Dove? F**k this dumb sh*t, I hate my life.”

“Don't say that!” Meira played with his hair. “Please don't say you hate your life Ryat! That's not a nice thing to say!”

He blinked up at her. “I hate myself, too.”

“Ryat!” she placed her hands on her hips. “Stop.”

“Meira, can I f**k you? Please,” he slyly slipped a hand under her skirt and began stroking her p**sy in a straight line with his index. “You're warm, and wet. Does this feel good, Meira?” he bit her n*ppl* through her white tank top and continued to stroke her, finger sliding directly over her cl*t over and over again.

Meira's legs felt like jelly, she got even wetter than before, it took everything in her not to moan. How can she say no to him? “O-okay,” her toes folded inwards inside her shoes. “ I feel tingly,” she s**ked in her lips to stop herself from moaning.

Ryat got off the bike, chuckling as he does so. “I guess you really do like it, Little Dove,” he kneeled before her with a smirk that meant he was up to no good–and indeed, he was not. He lifted her skirt to put over his head and l**ked her cl*t from outside the lacy panty she wore. He heard her moan almost loudly and grip his shoulders, he held her thighs in a firm grip and made her spread wider. “Ever been s**ked before, Dove?”

“N-no! That's not a good thing it's wrong–” he l**ked her again, this time slowly. She felt the  tastebuds on his t**gue slide over her cl*t that the panty barely managed to keep in–it was a smaller size than she usually wore. “Oh... My”

“You were saying something?” he shifted the panty to stick his t**gue between her wet lips, making his way to her core and teasing it.

“Ah! Oh my God, Ryat! Oh...” she blinked rapidly while rolling her eyes over, her mouth agape releasing endless moans. She felt Ryat bite her panty and began pulling it down, eventually just ripping the frivolous item off letting it drop between her spread legs. “What the heck? Ryat!”

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