| 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 | 16

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"That's the fucker who made you cry?" Neon stood and claimed a glass of juice. His eyes were focused on Christopher, who seemed to be regretting his life choices. "Want me to beat his ass for you?"

"I'll help. This pussy almost got me fired from the bakery I've been working at," Bandit slid his jacket off, it revealed a wolf tattoo on his right arm. He covered his ears and turned his head from side to side, then cracked each and every one of his knuckles. The look in his eyes could burn through a ton of steel. "You thought I forgot?"

"So you've been fucking with this low life?" Carnage shut his phone off and stood. He turned his neck a few times then rolled his shoulders back. He turned to look at Meira, she was standing with red cheeks and nervous eyes.

"No... We didn't do anything," she stated lowly. "That's why he left me, because I didn't want to have sex with him until we were married."

"Baby, how do you know these guys?" Christopher was now slowly backing away seeing the boys starting to surround him. "Particularly, how do you know these three?" he referred to Carnage, Venom and Bandit.

"She's my sister. Got a problem with that?" his blood felt hotter than lava, his chest burned with unadulterated anger.

"R... R-Ryat?" chills gripped his spine, fear strangled his throat. "Hey, long time no see," he had to put the flowers down, the guys were feet away and they looked furious.

Christopher went to the same school as the boys, he often used to make fun of them because they weren't as wealthy as he was. He had told many lies on them and is one of the reasons why Arkville isn't fond of the Bloodlust Bastards. After Chris had graduated, he moved away, and he never saw the boys again until one day he was on his way to the mansion and stopped to buy apple pies at the best known bakery in town. That was where he met Bandit, and purposely put hair in the pie he served then proceeded to create a big scene and left bad reviews on the bakery.

The owners-an elderly couple-didn't fire Bandit but they did shortly went out of business due to his shenanigans. Months later, the business reopened and Bandit-whose real name is Aviel Lee-works there, the place has been uneventful ever since. This happened quite a while ago, but he has yet to forget the incident. He and his boys had been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time. Christopher was a total dipshit. And now, hearing that he had made Meira-their little Snow-cry actual tears made it fifty times worse.

He's not going to escape their wrath. The Heartless Boys of Arkville had an insatiable thirst for blood-Christopher knew he had to escape.

...but it was too late.

Venom, who had sneaked behind him, got him in a tight headlock, Christopher moved around trying to shake him off but he was packed with muscle. Neon started chuckling and walked towards the wall where a baseball bat was hung up, he took it down and threw in the air before catching it and whacking Chris in the stomach. The air was knocked out of his lungs in a gutteral gasp, he started coughing and slouched over. Carnage was walking toward him, knife spinning on his tattooed fingers. He looked at an angry Bandit, then at Meira and Katniss standing horrified at the stairs. He realized he couldn't stay there.

"Let's go for a walk," he chimed, handing the knife to Bandit.

"No! Help me please! Meira! Meira! Meiraaaa! Help! They're gonna kill-" he was gagged and punched until his jaw was in too much pain to speak properly. "M... He..."

"Ryat stop!" she flew across the room and held his sinewy arm. "Please let him! He's not worth it!"

"Hell fucking yeah he is. This fucker has been a pain in the neck for years. We're tired of his ass. He'll learn how to mind his goddam business and stay away from people today," Neon ran his hand through his smooth hair, revealing his cat-eyes and two beauty spots under his left eye. "Don't worry sweet cake, we're gonna make it hurt real bad. Not just for you, but for Bandit too. He fucked around, and now he's gonna find out." Neon touched Meira's chin with his fingers, winked and made his way outside still swinging the bat.

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