Chapter 56

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“As much I don't want to do that and I f**king mad that you'd suggest that, I'll do it. Whatever it takes to your forgiveness. I just...miss you all, my friends, my family. My Aunt was wrong,” he looked at everyone's face and nodded slowly. “Friends Are Never Your Family, because they're More Than Family. From the depths of my soul, I apologize to everyone in this room. I'm sorry, and although I know things can't go back to being what they were before, I hope we can move on from this. You guys mean the world to me.”

Silence ensued after his words, the boys stared at him, then at each other. Thinking and considering things, until finally, they nodded and walked over to Ryat. “Welcome home, Carnage.” they chorused and pulled him into a tight group hug.

He'd never been a fan of hugs, but this one particular hug made him melt into a puddle. Breaking down into tears in front of everybody, not even caring about what they thought. These were his friends – no, from now on he has no friends. He has Family – and once you have that, you have everything. No wonder why the Mafia value family so much. He finally understands why.

“Thank you guys so much... For accepting me, despite everything... I don't even know what to say...” Ryat l**ked his lips and shed tears like he'd never done before.

“Everyone makes mistakes, kid, but your mistakes don't make you. Life's too short to be livin' in the past. You belong with us. Always remember that.” Syahla appeared in a flowing red dress and smiled welcomingly at Ryat. She was soon joined by her husband, Venom – Killian Cain.

“Zayde's right, you have a lot to make up for, and I could use some help with the kids. But just know, we don't hate you. Our home is yours. You're always welcome here, Cousin.” Bella stood with a baby on her shoulder, Bandit soon came to stand by her side and kiss her on the cheek. “If Aviel can accept me with two kiss from another man, even with a dirty past, surely we can still accept you.”

“Gotta agree with Bella on that one. I mean, Godfrey accepted me though I was very difficult to deal with and had many issues. He helped me financially, got help for me, and was patient with me. And being around you guys it made me realize most of what I heard about y'all, that you were heartless monsters, was wrong. You're not monsters, you're misunderstood, heck, y'all are more loving that every person I've ever met. So, just like Bella said, if Godfrey can except me even though I'm a b**ch sometimes, we can accept you too, Ryat. It's good to see you again, welcome home.” Katniss grinned and Korpse came over to her and kissed her on the forehead.

Ryat didn't know what to do or say, this wasn't what he'd expected. He thought they'd hate him like poison and outcast him from the family, but they didn't. In that moment, he asked God to strike him d**d if he ever stayed from them as long as he lived on this earth. “I love you guys, so much. Thank you for accepting me into your lives in spite of everything. I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you your kindness. You guys are heaven sent. Thank you for being in my life. Thank God for putting you all into my life.”

They all nodded at him with smiles, then he turned to Neon, who was smiling at him. The two then turned to look at Meira, standing patiently with her children – their children. Their sons.

“Snow,” Neon called out.

“Little Dove,” Ryat gulped as he stared at her.

Meira let their voices sink into her head and caress her fragile heart, it starting beating wildly in an instant. She didn't know what to say or do with herself – she just could've believe that her men were right there in front of her, smiling.

They approached her cautiously, and unsurprisingly, Meira had not grown an inch further. She was just like a little snow white dove.

“Tch, seven years and you haven't grown two centimetres?” Neon remarked sarcastically.

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