Chapter 47

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“Father?” a pleasant voice broke their budding romance. “Father! What are you doing out here with this strange woman? Flirting again?” the young-looking woman waltzed into the pale light casting on the pair amidst rows of cars.

“My darling, this lovely lady dropped her towel and being the gentleman I am I returned it,” he slowly dropped Missy's hand and winked. “Yulia my sweet child, meet Mystique. Mystique, meet my pride and joy. My beautiful, brilliant, and benevolent daughter, Yulia.”

Missy stared at the much younger female. She felt as though her breath had been knocked out of her lungs. There were no adjectives in existence that could properly describe her – she was too breathtakingly stunning for words. The way she walked, the air around her, the soft pout of her full lips, and her stormy gray eyes with silver flecks adorning her vivid irises. Mystique had never met a young woman so beautiful as this one.

She felt inferior to her in almost every way.

“I know,” Wolfgang put an arm around Yulia's shoulders. “Beautiful, is she not?”

“Oh, she is alright,” Mystique ran her eyes over her body. She was petite with a nice shape to her hips and a small waist. The thigh-length glittery silver dress she wore with a matching hand bag and gray stilettos ensured that all eyes would be on her for the rest of the night. “Your daughter is one very gorgeous person. You must be so proud.”

“Father, when are we going to have dinner? A slice of wagyu beef fried in garlic, butter and thyme 'til medium rare is calling my name,” Yulia huffed. “Nice to meet you miss. Would you like to have dinner with us? We wouldn't mind an extra,” she sported a warm and welcoming smile.

“Yulia?” he eas taken aback by his daughter's behavior. “This is a rather nice of you to ask her to join us.”

“I like her taste in fashion,” she smiled.

Really, and truly, Yulia admired the woman's broad hips and perfectly round backside that seemed to jiggle with every single movement she made. The skin-tight forest green dress did her no justice.

“Well then, Mystique, do you accept my daughter's invitation?” his smile was all she needed to agree.

“Yes! I would love to,” Missy's joy was beyond the universe.

Yulia lead the way into the restaurant while Wolfgang stayed behind. He bent one arm behind his back then bowed and held out his free hand, waiting for Missy to take it, which she did. The man kissed each and every one of her knuckles before leading her into the establishment like a proud husband showing off his wife. The occupants saw them and were in awe by their taste in fashion and unique appearances.

“Wasn't that the woman who was just awkwardly eating alone in here? Who are those people she's with?” one person said.

“That must be her husband and daughter! Boy, she is so blessed,” another stated.

“I don't think any A-list celebrity or model is comparable to that young lady. She is the very definition of drop-d**d gorgeous!”

“My, my. What I'd do to have a husband like that.”

“What a perfect and happy family they are! I'm so envious!”

“They must be a filthy rich family. Look at the brand of the daughter's bag and dress! Not even with a one year worth of salary I could afford those!”

Mystique basked in the attention she received and blushed heavily as Wolfgang pulled out a chair for her to sit on. This was the best night ever for her.

𝘈𝘵 𝘢𝘯 𝘜𝘯𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 - [Two days later]

Marcello wakes up in a white room naked under white sheets with stitches all over his body and face. Pain throbs throughout his being and he groans from the unbearable agony. He tries to get off the bed but discovers that his right wrist had been handcuffed and his ankle chained to the bed post. Instantly he recalled the previous incidents that led to this moment – he remembered being carried away by someone wearing white. Only did the realization click in his mind.

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