| 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 | 03

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Meira followed everyone into the capacious living room to witness the showdown between father and son. Theo began screaming at Ryat while he stood there, brows dipped, eyes cold. Not to mention he was inches taller than his own father, the man had to look up in his face when speaking to him.

As she continued to watch and listen keenly, her eyes were glued to her stepbrother. It was impossible to tell what was going through his mind when he was stoic-faced. He stood as still as a statue. What was he thinking?

"Ryat, you're my son, by blood. We are family. My blood runs through your veins. I know I hadn't been the best father, I could've done better. You have every right to be angry. I know, son, I understand you. I know you're a man now, no longer the little boy I could b*lly to boost my ego. From the bottom of my heart, Ryat, I want to say sorry," he calmly said as a tear slipped through the corner of his eye and ran down his wrinkled cheek.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you, sorry for missing all of the most important parts of your life, sorry for not being a good father and role model. I know that nothing I say will ever fix what I've broke, but Ryat, I'm willing to start over."

Theodore's heart raced as he nervously waited for a response. He stared into Ryat's unblinking eyes desperately. That's his son, from a quiet little boy to a handsome, yet vile, young man.

Ryat just stared at him with no reaction of somewhat. No tears. Nothing. Not even a blink he spared the man. He licked his lips to moisten them and toppled his head back a little, eyelids lowering. He thought for a while as he studied Theo's expression, then, he heaved a deep sigh.

"It's too late to apologize, Theodore."

Then he walked out, a return not promised.

𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘯 - 8:35 𝘱.𝘮.

Ryat peered into the sea of scintillating lights. He was perched on the roof of a black Range Rover, in his hand was a half empty bottle of Tequila. He scrolled mindlessly through the social media apps on his phone, his elbows propped up on his knees.

The fact that the vehicle was parked next to a cliff didn't, in the slightest, bother him. Not finding anything interesting on the phone he threw it inside the expensive car through the top opening and hopped down. His mind wandered back to what happened three hours prior to this moment, the memories replaying in his mind.

'Sorry for not being a good father'

'I should've been a better father'

'Let's work things out-'

Out of rage, he threw the bottle over the cliff, his body shuddering from the anger pumping through his veins. Ryat leaned against the side of the vehicle, eventually sliding down to sit on the asphalt. He was alone in an abandoned parking lot. Sometime passed and headlights shone on Ryat still rooted on the ground.

The car weaved into the secluded area and parked under a tree. Four boys alighted from the vehicle. Upon spotting Ryat on the floor they immediately rushed over to crowd his space.

"I hate him," Ryat spat bitterly. "After breaking me beyond repair, all he has to say is 'I'm sorry, let's work things out'?" his voice cracked as he spoke, his eyes turned red, hot tears threatening to fall but he'd be damned if he let them. "Fuck my life."

"Everything's going to be okay. You're gonna be okay. Just know, we'll always be here for you. If nobody got you on this planet, just know that we do. I know how you feel, man. I understand you," a male with dirty blonde hair and a flawless wolf cut held Ryat's face before pulling him into a hug.

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