Chapter 28

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𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳...

Zayde was leaning on the wall near Meira's room, he had one leg propped up on the wall and the other flat on the ground. He held a yellow lighter in his hand with the flame burning brightly atop it. He sighed and dropped his hand, throwing his head back on the wall and turning to look at Ryat.

“What are we gonna do?” he asked in a soft tone.

“I don't know,” Ryat combed through his hair with his hand, stubborn strands had been covering his right eye. “We're gonna have to come clean and tell her the truth. She'll accept us for the f**ked up people we are, or we're gonna make her.”

Neon's lips curled upwards into a pretty smile. “That's just what Gangstas do. C'mon, let's go do just that.”

They pushed off the wall and started making their way to Meira's room in well-paced strides. After their earlier t*rt*re session, the boys cleaned the room halfway before making the maids do it and threatening them not to mention what happened to anyone. Venom had gone back to the hospital–unable to stay without Syahla–and Bandit was downstairs in the living room waiting to see Bella and ask her out on the date. Currently, he silence in the mansion was deafening.

Ryat leaned against the door, Neon doing the same across him. He raised his hand and knocked on the door using his middle finger knuckle, there was no response. He continued to persistently knock–finding it impossible to be away from Meira–until the door finally opened and Belinda looked at them fearfully. Before she could say anything Neon dragged her out by her wrist then took her to the stairs where she could clearly see Bandit lounging on the couch. He made a U-turn afterward and entered the room just as Ryat was doing so.

Meira, who was sitting in the corner with a pillow behind her back and a huge light purple blanket covering her. She didn't need to look to know they were their–the strength of their colognes hit her before their handsome faces could. She didn't acknowledge their arrival, too afraid to look up at the men she thought were good people. They walked around her bed and came to a stop on either side of her outstretched crossed legs. Mei began to nervously play with her fingers, she risked a looo up at the boys and met their cold gazes–flashes of what she'd seen hours prior to this moment repeated over and over in her mind like a broken record player.

“Dove,” she heard Ryat's gravelly voice, it made her shiver.

“Snow,” she heard Neon's euphonious voice, it made her pull her knees to her chest.

“C-can you please go?” she tried to sound confident, but it came out meek and brittle instead. It sounded more like she was begging them not to come near her. “I-I have to study.”

Time passed in complete quietness, the ticks of the clock above her bed being the only disturbance. Meira was looking at their long legs since she was too afraid to look up any further–well, she didn't have to. The boys walked closer to her and bent in a stoop to finally meet her eyes. Their elbows resting on their mid thighs so their hands could fall in between. Two pairs of eyes–one slate-gray and the other whisky-colored–fixed their vehement gazes on her.

“Dove, we need to talk.”

“No!” she hugged herself. “Get out!”

“Chillax mami, you gotta at least hear us out first,” Neon pinched her toe, she wriggled it at him.

“It's either you leave, or I will!”

“And you think we'd let you?” Ryat raised a brow and looked at Neon. “Baby girl, we're not leaving until we have a serious talk with you.”

“They were right! You two are bad people! Everything I heard about you guys are true! You guys are nothing but heartless monsters! How could you do that to someone?” Meira's lips quivered, tears formulating in her eyes. “You guys are cruel. Really cruel!”

𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now