Chapter 57 [End]

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“Oh my God, is that Kade?” one girl from a friend group said and everyone's head snapped around to look at the black BMW driving in the school.

“Yeah, that's him! That's Kade! And look! His brother is coming in behind him!” another said.

The girls began screaming and shouting as they ran to crowd the vehicles but special security guards prevented them from getting any closer.

In the last sixteen years, the García-Hamilton family built an empire for themselves and the newer generation. Today, the sons of the family are world-renowned celebrities who had starred in many popular films and performed on stage due to them being excellent singers and dancers.

They are not your typical school Demi-gods, they are The Gods.

“Kade please marry me!”

“Dom! I want your babies!”

“The two of you please step on me!”

“Dom please make me your girlfriend!”

“Kade I'd d** for you! Please give me a chance!”

Since the crowd waa growing out of control, more security had to be called in so they could not get to the two extremely popular twin brothers. On the other hand, they exited their respective vehicles – a BMW and a Ferrari – and walked to each other.

“Thank f**k we're graduating this year,” Dom hissed and leaned on his brother's car, hands in his pockets of his denim jeans. “Tired of this crap. Can't a man walk in school without being swarmed by desperate women?”

“Sad because I'd never date anyone from this school,” Kade casually sat at the hood of his car and scrolled through his phone lazily. “I do understand their obsession, though. If I was them I'd be obsessed with me too.”

“You're so conceited.” Dom chuckled.

“Like father like son,” he glanced back at him with mischief twinkling in his eyes. “Me, Austin and Xander plan to blow up the school on graduation day. Wanna join?”

“Mom's gonna be pissed if she finds out.”

“She won't, not as long as Dad and Pops are helpin' us.” Kade laughed and stood up. “There's Xander and Austin coming in right now.”

Dom looked and saw a red Bugatti and a blue Rolls-Royce driving into the school, the cars came to park next to theirs in the special parking lot. The boys greeted each other like best friends then took their bags from the maids and walked into the school, their elite group of entourage trailing closely behind. Immediately inside, girls rushed to them like moths drawn to flames, and began professing their undying love for them.

“These chicks never give up,” Xander took one love letter and ripped it to shreds as he prowled through like the king he was.

“You're lucky you're giving them any attention,” Austin cleaned his glasses off and out them on. “Are we still blowing this b**ch up after graduation?”

“F**k yeah!” the three boys chorused, and together the group laughed like true sociopaths.

The group who by the name K-DAX continued to discuss all the bad things they had done and plan on doing while making their way to classes – not one of then spared the begging females a glance.

Meanwhile, at the García-Hamilton Villa, the family now much older sit under a large luxurious patio laughing and chatting. Their years had began showing on their faces, but neither cared.

Over the years, all has achieved their dreams and are now retired, it's time for the youngsters to run things.

–Meira is a retired Surgeon, she became one after upgrading from the Nurse position. She also got married to both Zayde and Ryat.

–Zayde is a retired singer and rapper and a renowned movie actor. Also a retired hitman for the Bad Bloodz Mafia gang.

–Ryat is a retired CEO who let his daughter, Alessa De Leone, run the company since his sons had no interest of doing it. Ten tears back he'd introduced her to his family and they welcomed her with open arms. He was also eventually forgiven by everyone.

–Bella and Bandit are retired Michelin-started Chefs who ooened up restaurants across the country. They also have several bakeries opened.

—Korpse is a retired Mechanical Engineer, and his wife, Katniss, is a retired – and one of the highest paid – movie actress. She's also an A-list celebrity.

–Syahla created her own biker club called the Black Widow MC and ran it for ten years before handing it over to her son, Xander, to run. As for her husband, Venom, he is a retired professional swimmer and coach.

“Neon, you still have not told us why you decided to become a serial k!ller,” Bella asked, her voice not as young and lively as it used to be.

“Why is that even a question? One day I just woke up and chose violence!” Neon replied, though much older, he was still a charming and charismatic man. “Just like that one song. I woke up in the morning and had m*rder on my mind. Once I started, I couldn't stop.”

“You are unbelievable,” Katniss said, sipping wine while in Korpse's arms.

“I had no idea Cats could not,” Neon feigned shock and everybody laughed while Katniss put up a middle finger for him.

“By the way, guys, Wolfgang sent us an invite to his sixteenth wedding anniversary. Remember that nurse at the hospital? Nurse Winderson? She's his wife,” Ryan explained, still handsome but with a few gray hairs and a stubble.

“That nurse was fine as f**k, no offense my love,” Venom said, he'd grown out his hair and now it was waist length. His hair was made into thick locks. “They actually make a great couple. I'm so going.”

“I think we should all go,” Meira said, she aged like fine wine, just liker her mother. “He did mostly raise my stepdaughter.”

“Gonna go with Snow on this one,” Bell said and picked up a slice of apple.

“Guys, differently, we've actually been through so much. I'm happy we ended up still being here.” Zayde said and stole a kiss from Meira, she rolled her eyes and blushed.

“That was a test, you know, to prove how strong the friendship was.” Korpse said and looked down. “Hey, I've always wanted to ask this, why the hell did the war between the Doves and the Ravens started anyway?”

“The most known reason I know is that a Don from the Doves r@ped the daughter of the Ravens' Don. But in other stories I heard the Don of the Doves and the Ravens' Don were screwing around when both were married. Their partners k!lled them in retaliation, then k!lled themselves. The real reason for the war, which is a century old, has never been revealed, but its either one of the two reasons I just gave.” Ryat explained and they nodded in understanding.

“I'm just happy we made it out, together and alive,” Meira took Neon and Ryat's hand, they smiled at her. “I'm glad we're endgame!”

The group chuckled and popped bottles of pricy champagne, ate unique foods and enjoyed their old age without a single worry in the world. Before they knew it, evening rolled around and it was time for the kids to return from their highschools or college. As the walked the sun graced them with it's ray and their skins seemed to radiate with color.

“Am I the only one who feels like K-DAX is planning something?” Meira said, her arms hooked through Ryat and Neon's.

“You mean Kade, Dom, Austin and Xander? Of course they are. Psychotic little f**kers,” Katniss rolled her eyes. “It runs in the family though.”

The group burst out laughing as they reached the front yard and saw many flashy cars driving in, at last, they beloved children were home. The parents smiled brightly as they greeted their kids, before all of them, as family, began walking in.

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