Chapter 41

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Despite knowing her mother and friends would be worried sick, she remained at the bungalow with Neon. Besides, she was safe as long as she was with him. “Papi, what are you doing? Can I get down now?” she had showered and is now sitting on the dresser wearing one of his formal shirts with nothing underneath. He was beside her searching through a drawer, when he seemingly found what he was looking for he smiled.

He went between her legs with a small fuschia box, undid the white bow at the top then opened it. There was a pink pearl anklet inside with butterflies hanging between them. She gasped at the beauty of the present, eyes twinkling with excitement. She heard Neon chuckle, she put a hand between her legs as he kneeled between them.

“Papi? What are you doing?” she giggled as Neon held her right leg and kissed from her knee to her ankle. The soft presses of his lips against her skin made her inside tingle. “Stop. It tickles!”

“That's a good thing,” he smiled and kissed the top of her foot. Neon placed her foot on his thigh and smoothly put the anklet above her ankle. “Do you like it, sweetheart?”

Meira straightened her foot and examined it while cocking her head. “I love it! You really like butterflies, don't you Neon?”

He chuckled pleasantly, an amused smile playing on his lips as he stood up. “Can't you tell? Enough about that. C'mere, I wanna taste those lips.”

She spread her legs and placed her hands on the edge of the dresser. Neon grabbed her throat and pushed her back, his other hand lifting one of her legs on his hip. He swooped in and claimed her lips with an insatiable hunger–one he has been suppressing for all these years. He pressed his crotch against Meira's clean and fresh p**sy. It was ready to be devoured by him, but he wanted to take things slow. However, if she continues her antics he might just give her exactly what she wants. Meira moaned into his mouth and grinds her p**sy on him to stimulate herself. He fisted her hair and yanked it back with a roughness she wasn't expecting. Neon bit into her exposed neck making her yelp and attempt to close her legs.

“You have a thing for psychopaths, don't you?” he growled into her ear, tongue running over the lobe and beneath it at a spot that made her shiver and melt for him. “Does being f**ked by murderers turn you on? Ryat has corrupted you a lot, I am quite impressed.”

“Papi,” she called weakly against him. Something warm running out of her p**sy as her cl*t throbbed with want, soiling his white pants. Her cl*t pulsed against his stiff c**k, the cool air of the room pebbling her n!ppl*s. “I want you inside me. Can we do it? Pleeease.”

“You want it that badly?” he chuckled against her flesh, his warm minty breath sending goosebumps across her skin. “You're such a bad girl.”

“But Papi, I want you!”

“No, not yet,” he kissed her again and pulled away, walking backward. “Go to bed. I'll be in the bathroom. If you come in there, Meira, what goes down is not my fault. I've warned you.”

He winked and walked backwards into the ensuite, Meira sat there on the dresser. Undulating from how aroused she was by the simple actions, it wasn't like Ryat who'd f**k her without even asking. She had to beg for it–she liked that. It was degrading, but God, she loved doing it for him. With a warm and wet p**sy, Meira closed her thighs to provide some comfort but it only made things worse.

She heard the shower turn on and opened her legs again. Hand sliding between her thighs to massage her cl*t. Her p**sy was drenched. Her fingers freely slid down her wet slit. She moaned at the feeling, eyes rolling back, her body arching–but it just wasn't enough. She wanted to cry from how h0rny, irate and frustrated she was. At last, she hopped off the dresser and walked into the bathroom. Neon was naked under the showerhead, his colorful tattoos vibrant against his tanned skin. He was naked, back turned to her, hand in his hair washing it with a shampoo that smelled like Strawberry and Coconut.

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