Chapter 55

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𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘓𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳...

Ryat hasn't seen Neon since the day he came to his office. At this point, fretting was going to eat him alive. He wonders if Neon was gunned down or something worse, or perhaps, he just doesn't want to come back and see him again. He cannot blame if that's what he chooses – after everything he had done, he deserves to end up a alone. But he still needs to make sure that Zayde is okay.

Just as he exited his company preparing to hit the gym after work, he saw a crowd standing around a vehicle. There was a green-haired man leaning against a crowd dressed in a full white suit, white hat, a Cuban link around his neck and cigarette hanging from the corner of his pink lips. He didn't do anything worthy of a crowd as massive as the one around him, but the people cheered and begged for autographs among other things.

That's when it clicked. Neon achieved his dream: he became a singer and a rapper with the stage name Wildefyre.

Typical Zayde García.

“Took you long enough to get here,” Zayde tilted his head back and smiled at Ryat, eyes twinkling.

“You came back?” he pushed through the dense crowd and made it to Neon, he stood beside him.

“We have business to take care of. What, you didn't want me to come back?”

“What? No, Neon. I just thought you wouldn't after what happened...” he looked down, eyes gloomy and expression solemn. “Anyways, I'm happy you became what you always wanted to be. You made it. I'm happy for you.”

Neon chuckled. “Get in the car, Ryat, we have things to do.”

He said goodbye to his fans who begged him to stay then entered the car with Ryat. He pressed a button to start the engine then drove off, gradually picking up speed and even drifting on the road. It made Ryat smile, Neon had always been a crazy driver – at one point he thought he was destined to be a Tokyo Drift King. A few things changed about him, but he was mostly the same childish dreamy-eyed guy no matter how old he became.

This single drive brought back so many memories.

“Remember the time we crashed over the bridge into shark invested waters?” Ryat said and glanced at Neon.

“That was one of the best days of my life. I suckerpunched a Great White shark and it bit Korpse in retaliation.” he came across a corner and drifted skilfully around it, earning an applaud from the crowd standing at the edge of the road.

“You know he's still mad at you for that, right?”

“Yeah, well, the past is the past. I mean the shark was gonna bite me, what the heck was I supposed to do? Let it?”

“You punched the shark and let Korpse take the bite for you!”

“That's like ten years ago, Ryat. It was an accident and he survived. I mean, imagine what happened to me. I was by a fish do you have any idea how painful and traumatizing that was? I cried for days, and I got therapy for it.” he reached a highway and changed gear in order to go faster, he swerved lane to lane while avoiding the cars.

“It still puzzles me to this day. How can a person be afraid of fish but not sharks? You are unbelievable.” Ryat shook his head with a laugh.

“Oh please, don't act like that one time at the amusement park you didn't practically jump into my arms and cry because a clown touched you.”

Ryat glared at Noen. Hating the memory he brought up.

“Don't give me that look. You were f**king crying with snot running down your face. Dude, you were absolutely terrified. I laughed until I puked that day. I still find it hard to believe you're afraid of clowns! Man, I wish I had my old sim cards to show you the pictures of yourself.” he laughed harmoniously as they crossed over a bridge and entered a different side of the city.

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