Chapter 29

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The sudden ringing of a phone pierced through Neon's ears, ultimately waking him from his hours long slumber. He groaned tiredly and turned, ‘What moron would call me on a goddamn Wednesday? It's Wednesday for crying out loud!’ he gritted his teeth. The constant ringing grating on every last one of his nerves. Eventually, he tossed the blanket off and got up to go through the phone across the planet but noticed it was a private number calling him. This prompted him to lift and eyebrow.

Neon swiped the the green icon up, answering the call. He waited for the other person to answer the call because he wasn't going to, but to his utmost surprise they hung up then blocked his number.

“What the actual f**k?” he sized up the phone with his eyes as if it was a person. Then he remembered he wasn't the only one in the room, he glanced at Meira sleeping peacefully on Ryat's chest. “What an ugly motherf**ker,” Neon stalked towards them and stooped, he raised his hand and used a finger to stroke Meira's cheek until she woke up. “So sorry for waking you up, Snow.”

She didn't reply, she rubbed her eyes, tossed the sheet off then launched herself into his arms. He had to put one knee on the ground and wrap his arms around her waist so he didn't fall back with her.

“Whoa there, what's this?” Neon chuckled. “Were you dreaming of me, sweetheart?”

She pouted and nodded.

“I'm flattered that you did, my little cupcake,” he kissed her forehead. “Snow, go back to Ryat, I have to go.”

“No... Why?” she whined, angrily looking into his eyes. “Why do you want to leave me?”

He bit his lips as he stared at her beautifully cute face and adorable voice, Neon had to look away with a pinkish tint to his cheeks. “You're so cute it's life threatening. Snow, I'll be back soon. I have to go do other stuff, like work.”

“You work?” she cocked her head to the side.

His eyes softened, “Yes, I get paid request to draw or paint people. I make good money doing it.”

“Then stay and paint me.”

“What are you gonna pay me with? A kiss?”

“Is that what you want?” she reached up and pressed her pillowy lips to the corner of his lips.

“Now, now, Snow. Be a good girl and don't rile me up, I told you it's too early to f**k. We have to get to know each other, y'know? Your likes, dislikes, what makes you smile, laugh, cry, angry, scared, and more. I gotta get to you so I can take proper care of you, Meira, we can't rush things.”

“Then take me with you! We can do that!”

“Why don't you want to stay with Ryat?”

Before she could reply Ryat grabbed slapped her on her backside, she flinched and buried her face into Neon's neck. “She's a little brat, that's why. She doesn't want to be punished after she misbehaves.”

“Ow,” she whined, rubbing her legs. “Because he's a big b*lly! He's really mean! I wanna stay with you.”

“Meira, you do know half the sh*t that d**kwad says he doesn't mean, right? You just gotta understand that his love language is insults and v**lence,” he kissed her head, smiling pleasantly.

“Thanks man, I really appreciate it,” Ryat rolls his eyes and gets up. He stretched his armen rolled his shoulders back. “Where are you going?”

“Downtown, I got an extra shift to pick up,” Neon scoops a lounging Meira into his arms and stands up with her. “I see this one likes being babied.”

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