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The car stopped in front of a magnificent house. It was a two storey building coloured with great of golds. The bricks lined the wall creating a pattern. The front porch consisted of trails of flowers. From roses to sunflower, daffodils to daisies, it was a sight to behold. Indeed a very beautiful one.

But it didn't impact the people sitting in the car. Rather theirs hearts were filled with this raw anxiety. The dark haired woman sitting at the passenger seat carrying a small boy in her arms as he slept on her shoulder glanced at her husband

"I'm scared, Alam." Her brown eyes filled with fear of something. A soft hue was evident on her cheeks. The red shawl contrasting her olive skin and dark hair. She was beautiful. Too beautiful of her age. No one can guess she was crossing her thirties.

"Don't be Rubina. I'm with you." The man softly assured her while squeezing her hand which was clasped in his strong hold. Passing an encouraging smile to the scared woman, he opened his side of the door and rounded the car to open hers. Taking the child from her, he forwarded his hand for her to take. Drawing an agitated breath, she slipped her palm into his and got out. Her heart was beating erratically. Sweat accumulated at her neck despite the cloudy wind. Still, she inhaled a lunge of oxygen in her lungs as her steps took her inside the house.

If outside was any beautiful than the interior of the house was magical. It was decorated with different kinds of portraits and paintings from famous artists. The lighting was dull but enough to illuminate everything. Sometimes she has a hard time acknowledging that her husband is this wealthy. When she's just been a girl from a middle class family. Contented with her four rooms house and small family.

She nearly caught her breath when they stopped at the door of the living room. It separated the kitchen and entrance providing a sense of privacy. The maids still stared at her in wonder or astonishment. Some stares were hateful too and she swear she heard one calling her a homewrecker.

"Ready Rubi?" One simple question and one simple answer yet she hesitated before nodding at her husband. He pushed the door open and suddenly the chatter that once resonated in the room stopped. It was pin drop silence. She didn't dare move her eyes upwards. She was scared of his family's reaction. She's been hiding from the truth for more than three years. Now, when it's finally time to embrace it, she suddenly wants to go into hiding again. To be safe in the shadows. Away from the bitter reality.

"Is it her?" A bitter voice directed the question at her husband and this time Rubina couldn't help but glance at the voice.

Straight hair, black eyes, milky white skin.

Ghazal Hussain. First wife of her husband's Alam Hussain.

Alam's grip tightened on her hand as he faced his first wife.

"She is. And he's my son, Ahad." A pained gasp left Ghazal's lips as she looked away not before casting a disgusting glare her way. She dropped her head low again and dared not to make eye contact with anyone.

"We've been married for five and a half years now. I'm sorry for hiding it for so long."

A mock scoffed left Ghazal's lips before she spatted at him.

"That's where you've been spending your time while I'm dealing with losing our child."

She nearly screamed in the end before stomping away not before pushing Rubina's shoulder. She stumbled back, but gained her balance quickly.

"Seriously Alam, you shouldn't have done it." Disappointed by his brother, Zafar Hussain left the room as well with his wife on his tow completely ignoring Rubina. Alam sighed. He knew this was expected.

"Come here." Rubina's head shot up at the voice of her mother in law. Sawera Hussain was intimidating. Despite being in her late sixties, she still possess the same aura of dominance and strictness. Rubina's eyes collided with her husband's and he nodded at her. Gulping her nerves down, she walked to the old lady and stood right before her.

"Take the child upstairs, Alam." Her husband left them alone and suddenly she grew alarmingly aware of her mother in law's scrutiny.

"Sit." She obliged without a word. Not wanting to be the subject of her anger.

"How old is my grandson?" There was a softness to her tone. Like she was really curious and not angry like the rest.

"He's almost four." Her meek whisper followed through the room before dying a quick death. She heard Sawera Hussain take a sigh. Standing up with the help of her wooden cane, she told her

"I wish you would have tell me sooner about my grandson. But what's done is done. You can take the second room upstairs."

The old woman left the room with a soft click of the door. Rubina sighed as a weight was lifted off her chest. Leaving the room, she took the stairs. Her steps stopped when she heard her husband and his first wife arguing.

"How could you do this to me, Alam? Why that girl from a low class? How can you be so cruel?"

Rubina didn't want to eavesdrop but she wanted to know what will Alam say

"Don't talk about her in that tone again. I'll do justice to you both. You need to accept my decision. I know I have done wrong for not asking your permission and I apologize. But know that I didn't take this step because of the miscarriage. I'm so sorry, Ghazal."

Rubina stopped hearing afterwards when the name left his lips with such tenderness. She went inside her room, but caught the sight of her husband hugging his first wife. She didn't want to feel jealous, but she couldn't help it either. Ignoring the dull ache in her heart, she went in her room. All her jealousy evaporated in thin air as she saw her little boy playing on the floor.

"Aww my son." Cooing her baby boy, she busied herself playing with him until her husband arrived in their room. From the looks of him, he was tried.

"Rest Alam. You've been stressed these last few days." She said while still playing with their son. Her breath hitched when he sat down beside her and dropped his head on her back.

"Kiya karehe ha ap?"
(What are you doing)


She laughed at his reply and he passed her the same smile which stole her heart years ago.

"How was she?" She couldn't help but feel sorry for Ghazal. No woman can bear sharing her husband with another woman.

"She was angry as she should be. But I'll talk to her." Alam replied and dropped a kiss on her nose.

"Now enough with this emotional talk. Let me play with my son."

Rubina smiled as he made funny faces to their son causing his laughter to boom in the room. She stood up and went inside the washroom to shower. Her fatigued muscled finally relaxed and she felt calm wash over her. She came out of the shower within twenty minutes. She stopped midway in the room at the sight before her. Her heart swelled seeing her husband and son cuddled up in the bed and Alam was snoring softly. Chuckling, she placed a kiss on her son's forehead and one on her husband's cheeks before settling in the bed beside them too. She was still scared for the future, but for once, she didn't let herself brew in her thoughts and surrendered to sleep.

Letting the worries of future stay buried deep in her mind.

Asalamoaliukm everyone. Here's the prologue of this story. I hope you'll like it. Comments are appreciated.
Until the next update, Allah Hafiz.

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