۰32۰ Reception / ولیمہ

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The Monday morning sun casted it's warmth onto the ground as it's rays fell over the ground basking the earth in it's yellow haze. The wind was chilly and quite cool, a kind of a gift after the torturous days of heat. The weather was finally bearable. The morning however, was different for Sahar. She was dressed in a cream churidar shalwar qameez with multi colour designs on the dupatta and neck line. Her hairs were clipped in a half down half up do hairstyle. Small gold coloured earrings dangling from her ears and the bracelet gifted by Ahad clamped tightly on her right wrist. A long white shawl was covering her form as she stood in the veranda of the old age home which was currently under renovation.

She heaved in a deep breath as the wind played with her hair, letting them fly in all directions. The sound of drills and hammers faintly resonated in the open area. Her phone rang, the sound cutting through the serene silence. Taking out her phone from the bag, she received her husband's call

"Where are you?" She heard him ask. His voice carrying through the speakers.

"I'm in the veranda. What happened?" She asked while turning to head where he was in the office.

"Why don't you come downstairs?"

Voicing out a small yes, she kept her phone inside her bag and walked to the office. As she entered inside, the supervisor was still not meeting her eyes. He was very very surprised to know she was the wife of Ahad. She stood beside Ahad as he looked at the supervisor. Pulling out a chair for her, he urged her to sit. He too took the chair beside hers and talked to the supervisor.

"Tell me now exactly what happened?"

Sahar's brows drew together in confusion as she made out the heaviness of Ahad's voice. Also his face was scrunched up in a frown like he was deeply concerned about something.

"An old lady, was hurt two days ago. She received injuries on her leg and arms. I don't think it's safe that they stay here while this construction is going on."

Ahad nodded his head and asked

"We should relocate them till this construction is in order."

The supervisor bobbed his head, agreeing with Ahad's proposal. Suddenly, an idea popped up in Sahar's mind and she said

"Uncle Daud can help us. He was talking about some new site he purchased. I can talk to him."

The supervisor eagerly nodded and said to her

"That'll be so good. The quicker, the better."

"I'll talk to him right away." She met Ahad's eyes, but he had that far away look in his eyes. She raised her eyebrows and only then he nodded his head.

"If there's nothing else, we'll be taking our leave."

They both stood up and left the building. As they sat in the car, Sahar knew something was off about her husband. As the car moved swiftly, she turned to him and asked

"Are you okay?" He glanced at her and nodded his head. He went back to driving silently while she grew agitated.

"You look stressed about something."

She probed further, but saw as his eyes softened and when he craned his neck to look at her when they were stopped on a signal, she knew he wasn't mad on her.

"It's nothing. Just some work. Don't worry."

Her breath hitched as his big large palm circled hers as he steered the wheel with one hand. His palm stayed enclosed in her's causing every damn kind of butterflies to flee free and dance in her stomach. Wanting to steer the conversation, she asked him

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