۰33۰ Argument/ بحث

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One week had passed since that horrible incident that occured at their home. There hadn't been any other disruptions or unwanted 'surprise gifts'. Everything felt normal and on routine basis. Sahar was in her room organizing her closet while talking with Alina onto the phone.

"I'm fine. Just organizing my closet for the umpteenth time. It never seems to stay tidy."

She hissed as she folded her clothes and put them onto the racks. Besides her clothes, his were kept completely in order. Not one cloth was out of place or messy. It looked like the closet has even been used while her looked like a tornado hit past her closet. Rolling her eyes, she put the last of clothes inside before getting up from the floor. Her back ached from sitting so long. Stretching her arms, she took a seat onto the comfy chair and heaved a deep sigh.

"True, happens to me all the time."
Came Alina's reply.

"You tell me, how's work going?" Sahar asked while resting her head onto the back of the chair.

"It's going fine. What else could be new here? Everyone's asking about you. When are you planning to join again?"

At her friend's question, she was silenced. She was supposed to start her work three days ago, but with the recent incident, she didn't feel like going outside the security of her home. But, she couldn't hide forever. Her life couldn't be put to a stop. Plus, it's been quiet since.

"I'll come in tomorrow." She replied after a while. Alina hmmed and asked almost teasingly

"I thought you would take more time off. You know, to spend time with your husband. Traveling around."

There was this tease in her voice that made Sahar blush, but she instantly put her hopes to rest

"It's nothing like that. You know how we both got married."

Although, saying that hurts for some unknown reason, but it was the ultimate truth.

"Yeah yeah... whatever." Alina's tone conveyed that she wasn't a bit convinced of her statement.

"I should head down now. You should focus on work too."

"You cheater...you called me." A smile touched Sahar's lips as she heard her riling up.

"Okay, don't get so rowdy now. I'll call you later."


Sahar cut the call and took her dupatta and headed downstairs. As usual, Rubina was in the kitchen while Ahad sat at the bar stool reading a newspaper with glasses perched up on his nose. One thing she noticed, that he loved reading newspaper. She said her Salam to both to which both replied. Rubina smiled at her. Sahar quietly started helping her with the breakfast while Ahad stayed engrossed in whatever he was reading in that newspaper. Finally, they all sat down for breakfast. It was going all too fine until Sahar decided to talk

"I want to continue work."

She didn't particularly address anyone and just let her voice linger in the air. Rubina was the first one to spoke

"That's alright. If you want."

Sahar smiled, ease flowing in her system. She almost expected Rubina to argue, but she was damn wrong.

"I'm thinking to start tomorrow." This time, Sahar did address her husband who was silent. An uncomfortable silence wrapped around all three of them when he continued to stay silent.

"Ahad?" Sahar called out his name and suddenly his voice reached her ears

"No." His voice carried a note of finality which confused her. Rubina looked between the two.

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