۰01۰ Empowered/با اختیار

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The jingling of the earrings resonated in the air along with the sound of soft footsteps padding on the floor. The keys jingle in her hand as she took a look at herself in the mirror. Brown eyes and wheat skin tone greeted her. Her lashes were curled naturally. Her luscious straight dark hair were swept in a low ponytail reaching till her mid waist. Providing her a natural beautiful look.

She was Sahar Rehman.
A nurse by profession.

Applying moisturizer on her hands, she glanced again at the mirror. Satisfied with her purple suit, she turned around after keeping her mobile in her purse. She padded down the stairs and walked inside the kitchen where her mother and sister were already sat having their breakfast.

"I've brewed the tea for you and made your egg and potato sandwich."

Sahar passed a smile to her mother while pouring the tea into a cup and taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Sit down Sahar." Her mother chided when she kept standing and devouring her food.
Quickly plopping down on the chair beside her sister, she told her mother

"I have a night shift today. I'll be home tomorrow morning." 

Tanzila sighed. This was usual for her daughter. She always engross herself in immense work.

"Don't tire yourself. You're still young. Enjoy your life before you go old."

Rubab, her little sister, chimed in earning a scowl from her elder sister. She and her mood swings. It's hell dealing with her mood swings. She's like a fireball. Always angry.

"She's right, beta."

Sahar's brown eyes collided with her mother's concerned orbs and she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"I'm fine, Ammi. I really enjoy what I do."

She assured her worried mother who nodded in response. Of course, it's so obvious Sahar loves what she does. She finds immense pleasure tending to patients and helping them in a way that really makes a difference.

"I should get going now. I'll be late otherwise."

Placing a small kiss on her mother's cheeks and ruffling her little sister's hair, she dashed outside the house like a whoosh of air.

"I kind of feel sad for her husband. He'll deal with a psycho everyday."

A whack from her mother brought a pout on Rubab's face as she quietly went back to her food, not wanting to be the subject to her mother's anger.

"Good morning Mrs. Abid."

Sahar chirped in a sing song voice as she greeted the patient. It was a young woman who had given birth to a beautiful little baby girl two days ago.

"I hope you're well. Your baby is just so cute, Mashallah."

The lady on the bed passed a weak smile to her at her compliment. Sahar moved forward to check her drip and indulged the lady in a conversation.

"Your husband will come soon. I know he'll be up and running as soon as he gets the news."

Mrs. Abid's husband was a pilot. He hasn't been with her and she's been feeling sad without him. Sahar knew the reason behind her sadness and it broke her heart.

"He must love you a lot." She whispered when tears gathered in the woman's eyes. Plopping down on a chair, she keenly observed the woman as she began talking properly after two whole days.

"He does. I haven't been able to reach him. I'm more scared than sad."

The woman whimpered causing Sahar's hand to clutch her in assurance.

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