۰12۰ Conspiracy/سازش

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وہی شخص میرے لشکر سے بغاوت کر گیا
جیت کر سلطنت جس کے نام کرنی تھی------

Sahar walked slowly with her cousins Fatima and Khadija as they animatedly talked about what to get. The girls had come on a shopping spree. Well, truth to be told, Sahar didn't want to come. It was Fatima who insisted her to come along. She had been cocooned in her home for a while. There was still time before her off days end. She wanted to work right away, but then realized that the break could do her some good. She hasn't taken a single day off ever since she started working. So having no stress about work really helped her.

"What do you say about this dress, Appi?"

Her head snapped in the direction of Fatima holding a yellow shalwar suit in her hand. She was so lost in her own world that she didn't even notice when they stopped in front of a market. Overcoming her shock, she nodded her head.

"It'll look beautiful on you."

The girl grinned and went to the counter. Sahar started to roam in the small store. There were many beautiful suits. The designs were unique and intricate. But she didn't need any. Her gaze however, stopped on Khadija who was staring at a dress. She saw as Khadija sighed and checked her purse. With a forlorn look, she saw as the girl walked away. Sahar walked to where she was and looked at the price tag. It surely was expensive. Given they're financial situation, she could understand why she held back. She glanced back at Khadija who was saying something to her little sister. They looked like they were caught in an argument. Fatima angrily slammed the yellow dress on the counter and stormed out of the store. She felt bad for the girls. They were so happy to come here. She glanced in her bag and then took the dress and walked to the counter.

"I'll take these two." She pointed at the yellow one and the other one.

"You'll look beautiful in these." Khadija commented. There was still a bite to her tone, but Sahar ignored it. She paid the bill and handed the bags to her. The girl before her glanced up at her in utter confusion.

"These are for you two." Instantly, Khadija forwarded the bags to her.

"No, it's not needed." She shook her head when Sahar tried to say something. Thrusting the bags back in her hands, Sahar said to her cousin

"Consider it a gift. I'm your elder sister, I can give you one."

Sahar knew that Khadija was still wary of the situation, but nonetheless, she accepted it.

"Thank you." She muttered softly and earned a polite smile from Sahar. They exited the shop and joined Fatima who was sulking standing in the corner. Khadija gave the yellow dress bag to her and the most hearty smile crossed Fatima's face. Khadija told her that Sahar bought these and the girl tackled her in a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you so much." Sahar laughed lightly and pulled back.

"Shall we eat something now? I'm so hungry."

The girls nodded and the three of them walked to the food court. They ordered some burgers and fries and ate it while making small talks with each other. After they were finished, they decided to a little more shopping before finally heading home. They were standing at the side of the road trying to hail a rickshaw. None seemed to agree to their price.

Typical desi bargaining!

Sahar huffed as the hot sun shown down on her. A black car stopped inches away from her causing her take a sharp step back. Her nostrils flare and she was about to shout at the stupid driver when the window pane came down and she heard a smooth velvety voice

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