۰23۰ Vote/ رائے

317 34 1

A steaming hot cup of tea was placed on the table. The smell of cigar wafted heavy in the air mixed with the ginger aroma of the tea. The study room was basked in darkness. The only light visible was from the dull lamp and the curtains that were drew just a little bit away to provide enough light to figure out the person in the room. Zafar blew the smoke from his cigar and pinned eyes with Ghazal sitting on the chair lost in thought.

"The vote will take place in two days."
He muttered in the quiet of the atmosphere. Ghazal didn't react. Not even a blink of an eye. Nothing to ensure she heard him say that.

"We have to do something quick. We're losing otherwise."

This time the bite was evident in his tone. He appeared irritated by Ghazal's indifference. Ha hated the sight of her still like a statue while they were on the brink of losing everything.

"Damn it! Say something woman!"

He barked out loud when she kept quiet. At his outburst, Ghazal finally glanced up at him. There still wasn't any emotion in her eyes. Not the one he liked to see appear.

"Control your anger, Zafar. You won't get far in life with this attitude."

He tsked and stood up from his chair. Frustration was oozing from his form. Coming off in waves as he leaned on the table, locking eyes with his sister in law.

"I don't need your philosophical views. Either you're coming with a solid plan or I'll fight this battle alone."

Ghazal smirked at his threat, making his frustration reach ten fold.

"The incident at the lab worked well. That will cause speculations about his ability to run as CEO. I've talked to some members of the board. The ball is in our court."

At her response, Zafar seemingly cooled down. Some of the tension left his body as he exhaled through his nose. But still a seed of doubt was embedded in his mind. He wasn't fully satisfied with the situation.

"Majority of the members are his supporters. He's their favourite. I don't know what sorcery this boy knows. Must've learnt from his own mother."

Zafar wasn't too huge of a fan of Ghazal, but his hatred for Rubina overpowered everything. Maybe he hated how his brother was happy in his life. He was always jealous of his brother. He was the best in everything.

He was perfect.

Perfect son.
Perfect brother.
Perfect student.
Perfect businessman.
Perfect in everything and anything he ever done. He was just..... perfect.

While he was always the second.

The second best.
The second perfect.

He wanted to be first. To be recognized. Just like the way his elder brother was. He couldn't really know if his love is greater or the hate for his brother.

"Either stop thinking negative or leave me alone. I can't deal with you right now."

Ghazal's clipped response made him roll his eyes on her, but he left nonetheless. They both would've killed each other with their bare hands otherwise. Ghazal sighed and pushed her chair back. Standing by the window, she gazed outside aimlessly. She couldn't let anyone snatch anything from her. Not anymore. She lost way too much already.

She'll be damned if she let anyone defeat her now.

Her eyes wandered to her phone and stayed there for a long while. Finally grabbing the phone, she dialed a number. The call got picked up from the other end and she only let out two words.

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