۰07۰ Preparations/تیاریاں

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The sunlight coming from the french windows basked the dark wood in a yellow haze. The crystal paperweight was kept on one side while the other side was covered with decorations. The room itself was painted in dark tones. From the dark paint of the walls to the even darker furniture, the room was nothing short of a mystery room like in the movies. The room belonged to Alam Hussain. The eldest son and the master of the Mansion. He made this room himself. Picked each piece of this room himself. The room served as a second home to him. It was kept locked after his demise. The room was too familiar. The longing and the absence of him was just too much.
However, it was opened today. The door was locked from the inside, but the room was occupied.

Daud puffed out a long puff of the cigar. He slowly drew it out and killed it.

"I hope you understand what I'm talking about."

His voice was firm and stern. Like he was putting pressure through his words. By the window, stood Ghazal. Her eyes were wandering all around the garden. Her eyes settled on a certain someone. Jameel was watering the plants. Another hobby of her late husband. Alam liked flowers a lot. He loved gardening, so he planted them in the garden. He took care of the flowers himself whenever he got the time. After him, Jameel was assigned to take care of them.

Ghazal never liked him. He was just too loyal to his master. Loyal to the point it was unbelievable. To her at least. To everyone else, Jameel was like a best friend to Alam. They both grew up together. Jameel's father worked as a driver for Hussain's and he some times brought his son with him too hence he befriended Alam who was eager to have someone to talk to while living an abnormal life of fake smiles and empty laughs. He found normalcy and peace talking to someone living a normal life. Jameel's family was poor. Alam even saw with his own eyes how Jameel's eyes would lite up when he was offered to eat lunch with him.

Because sometimes, Jameel's family didn't get three meals a day. His family was poor but happy and closer. Alam had everything he ever desired, but peace and happiness was never of them. He found that peace and longing in Rubina and his son, Ahad.

"Are you even listening?" Ghazal's reverie broke apart when she heard Daud's angry tone.

"I suggest you keep your tone in check, Mr. Rahman. I can still snatch everything you hold dear."

Her voice turned steel as she faced the heaving old man before her. He couldn't even stand on his own two feet and threatening her with his empty threats.

"I'd like to see you try." He seethed at her as raw anger gathered in his eyes as his whole form shook with rage.

"You know I can and I will if I have to. Plus, how will Sahar feel when she gets to know about your true colour? She would be so disappointed."

She tsked in the end and bathed in the panic that settled in Daud's eyes.

"You won't say a word to her, Missy. Don't think you can walk all over me because you're rich."

He spatted at her as he banged his hands onto the table. Ghazal never flinched. Didn't even bat an eyelash. Instead, she rolled her eyes. A mocking scoff escaped her lips and she directed her statement towards the man in front of her who was turning into a raging bull. Ready to pounce.

"I won't say it. You have to keep your end of the deal. Not a word about those pictures."

She tapped on the envelope that was kept underneath the crystal paperweight. A knowing smirk ghosted Daud's lips as he leaned down to be at eye level with her.

"Until you keep your end of the deal, I'll hold mine." Giving one last tap to the envelope, he strode out of the study like he owned the place.

"Arrogant jerk."

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