۰34۰ Chess / شطرنج

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Ahad was in his study late at night still engrossed in some file and work he bought home with him from the office. The night was dark and starless. The moon was absent in the dark midnight sky and it might be expected to rain during any hour of the night. Ahad sipped from the hot cup of tea. He wasn't a big fan of tea.....controversial. But on nights like this, when work seemed to be endless, he would fancy it. As he took another sip, he felt some of the warm liquid calming down his stiff muscles. He closed the file and rubbed his temples. The CEO vote was just around the corner. His new drug would hit the market soon and all in all, he was completely stressed about work. Besides, Daud's issue serves as cherry on top of the cake.

He put his head back on the chair and thought that Sahar deserved to know whatever that intuition Ahad had for her uncle. And he wanted her to know because in the end, it was all related to her. He didn't know when she got so important for him. Before, as anyone knew, they didn't meet eye to eye or what she liked to think. He always enjoyed her company. He liked her witty reply and the blazing fire in her eyes. He liked how she didn't take anyone's shit and did what she felt right. He liked everything about her. But, it was all platonic. He liked her as a human, a strong independent woman. He admired her sunshine spirit. But this admiration turned into something more powerful, intense and lethal the day Zaviyar ended things with her. That was the first time he saw raw emotions in her eyes. It was only a fleeting second and he could've missed it if he wasn't paying attention. That's when he knew, she was something more than an ice queen. Beneath her hard and cold exterior, she was just a soft, kind girl.

The thunder roared in the sky before pitter patter of raindrops blessed the ground. The sound was all too soothing, especially after his tiring day at work, he welcomed the intrusion. Finishing his tea, he stood up from his chair, approaching the window and opening it. He felt some droplets sprinkling onto the floor, falling on his slipper clad feet. The dark night with the sound of rain, it was all too....relaxing. His eyes stared into space before stopping at a figure standing in the centre of the backyard.

Tall height, lean figure, a long dupatta holed on her form, hair open and drenching in rainwater, stood Sahar all too ignorant of his onyx settled on her and just her. The night was already very beautiful but seeing Sahar dancing in rain probably with a huge smile on her face, the sight was too beautiful to be put into words. It didn't need any word. Seeing it, witnessing it what truly described it's beauty. He thought that she was childish. Getting wet in rain and becoming prone to flu and fever, but as she turned and gave him her dazzling, the most electric smile, he knew it wasn't too late to be a child.

After all he was drawn to her, like a moth to a flame. It was inevitable.

Sahar faced the sky, eyes closed as the water touched her face. It was minty cool and the soft breeze was making her shudder slightly, but it was all worth it. She loved rain. She didn't like getting all wet in it, but she liked to take risks sometimes. She knew her husband saw her. She gave him a smile. But she wasn't sure if he would join her.  He had been cocooned in his study and she didn't like to admit it, but she was quite irritated and worried for him. He shouldn't overwork himself, but seemed like her husband was a workaholic. He was drunk on work. She shook her head as if to shake off the thoughts, but heard a movement behind her. Turning around, she saw him.

Wearing a t-shirt with black trousers, hair tousled back messily, tall and tanned, he was too handsome to ignore.

"Come inside. You'll get sick." She heard his voice loud and clear. But instead, she shook her head and faced the sky again. Breathing in the scent of the rain, she called out to him

"It's okay to be sick sometimes. We can't always be healthy."

She heard his deep chuckle before movements sounded in her ear. She felt a presence behind her and upon turning, she found him, standing in rain barefoot.

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