۰17۰ Conditions/ شرائط

346 31 5

The faint dripping sound registered in Sahar's mind, but she couldn't quite hear it. It was there. She was aware of it, but it was like her mind had a system of its own and just chose to ignore that sound. It was there, but nonexistent. She heard it clearly, but her mind wasn't catching up to the sound. She was at her job. It was a night shift. She'd been working eight hours non-stop. Although the shift was about to end in an hour or so, she already felt drained off her energy. It's been four days since her Uncle's accident.

He's doing fine after the first few days of difficulty, but he was recommended proper rest till his ribs heal again completely. She stayed with her cousins the nights her Chachi wasn't there and was with Duad. It was a tough time for sure, but she managed to pull through. By Allah's grace, her Uncle's health was improving day by day. She was very relaxed on that side, but the real problem that was eating her mind wasn't her Uncle.

It was something entirely different.

"I'm ready to marry...Ahad."

Her words from previous days ran as a broken record in her mind reminding her of the one of the biggest life decision she had ever taken. A marriage. In every girl's life, that was the most vital and daunting decision. And she had taken it very easily. Not easily enough, but still. She doesn't know what the future holds, but her decision was made before she could ponder over the fact. It was in a spur of a moment. Not entirely, but she knew she had to do something. To help her family. In any way possible. After all, Duad had taken care of them when their father wasn't around. He was absent in many important moments of their life, but at least he was there. Now, she just couldn't turn her back on him. Especially when he needed her the most. It would be so horrid on her part.

"Sahar." Her reverie broke as she heard the voice of Alina. She turned at her voice and saw that she was taking out the empty drip. She instantly become alarmed and checked the patient. He seemed to be doing fine. She felt Alina eyeing her with great curiosity, so she excused herself along with her.

"Are you okay?" Alina asked while keeping a tentative hand on Sahar's shoulder. She didn't speak until they reached the nurse's cabin. It was empty since it was still early in the morning. She plopped down on a chair and disclosed the real reason behind her zoning out

"I'm marrying Ahad." She witnessed as Alina's eyes widened in surprise or shock, she couldn't quite comprehend the emotion swirling in those big wide eyes.

"As in Zaviyar's brother? How, I mean, when?" She too plopped down on a chair beside Sahar and scooted it closer to be in her reach. Sahar narrated each and every part of the detail to Alina who listened with undivided attention. After she completed the entire incident, a frown took upon Alina's face. Her eyebrows drew in closer together and she rasped out

"Wasn't the company in great condition when your father passed? You told me yourself he signed many good deals and investors."

It was Sahar's turn to frown. She didn't think much, but when Alina pointed that out, it was a valid question. The current situation of the company was totally different contrarily to the situation few years ago. She didn't pry much in business since she didn't understand more than half of it, but still, what the hell happened in just a span of few years that the company was on the brink of bankruptcy? What really happened?

"Leave it. There must be some issues. Businesses are like that."

Alina shrugged as if she wasn't the one who gardened the seed of doubt in the first place, but she's probably right. Businesses works like that. One minute its sunshine, other moment, pure darkness. It's a game. A race. Nothing more than that.

"So you and Ahad? Has he talked to you or anything?" Alina asked as her eyes sparkled with mischief and eagerness. Sahar rolled her eyes at the evident excitement on Alina's face. She looked more enthusiastic than Sahar herself.

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