۰04۰ Fiance/منگیتر

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It was late at night when Sahar finally came home from a twelve hours long shift. Bags gathered underneath her eyes. Aching muscles and a blasting headache followed the tiredness she felt. The day was one of the hectic ones. Where she couldn't even get a minute to herself to eat or let alone breath properly. Throwing the bag on the sofa, she slumped down on it, holding her head in her hands. The house was plunged in darkness. It was close to eleven and her mother and sister must have slept long ago. Her stomach grumbled with hunger. She put her head up and decided to eat something otherwise she'll faint of hunger and tiredness.

Walking barefoot to the kitchen, she saw a plate covered on the countertop. A relieved smile touched her lips amid the chaos of pain in her body. Quickly uncovering it, she put the plate in the microwave before going upstairs in her room to change out of her work clothes. The clothes were reeking of sweat and she wished to take a shower then and there, but refrained due to lack of energy. The ting of the microwave followed throughout upstairs and she hurriedly went downstairs to close it off, not wanting her sister and mother to be disturbed. Taking out the plate and getting herself a glass of water, she sat down on the sofa to devour her food. It was vegetable pilou.

Her favourite.

She sipped from her glass when she heard slow hush of the footsteps.

"Ammi why are awake so late?" Sahar questioned surprised and stood up from her place. Her mother was an early bird. It was a surprise she was up this late.

"I was waiting for you. I must have slept then." Tanzila replied. Her voice still carried a drowsy breeze. Sahar frowned and sit beside her.

"Don't Ammi. I told you I'll be late. Don't put your health at risk."

Sahar chided while taking occasional bites from her plate. A tender smile touched Tanzila's face and she ran her hand through her daughter's hair which she trimmed a day ago, the same day she and Ghazal went on a spa and shopping spree.

"Your hair looks good." A compliment slipped past Tanzila's lips. Sahar rolled her eyes and a bitter response left her mouth

"I told the salon girl a hundred times not to dye them. She was just so adamant of dyeing my hair blonde."

A small laugh escaped Tanzila's mouth. Sahar might bend to Ghazal's will out of respect, but she would never let anyone make a decision for herself. Let alone a stranger. A rueful expression took over Tanzila's face. It didn't go unnoticed by Sahar. Holding her mother's hand, she asked softly

"What are you thinking, Ammi?"

Her question snapped Tanzila from her chain of thoughts. Shaking her head, she tried to let the matter slide, but it was Sahar who asked the question. It was impossible of her to let it go without getting the desired answer. 

"Tell me, please." She probed further while putting her head on her mother's shoulder. The warmth that embraced her was unattainable. The smell of her mother calmed whatever turmoil or tiredness she had from her work. It was almost unbelievable. Magical.

"I'm thinking of your wedding. You and Zaviyar have been engaged for two years. I think it's time you both are tied down by Nikkah."

Sahar's head shot up to her mother's reply. The worry in them troubled her.

"Ammi I have no issue, but Ghazal Aunty said the wedding will take place after he becomes the CEO."

Tanzila sighed. That was one clause Ghazal put before their engagement. Tanzila still wasn't ready to agree to it, but Duad was hell-bent on accepting such a good alliance.

"I know, but he's still MIA. I've heard his chances of aquiring the position are near zero. You know that."

Sahar's eyes burned with recognition. She heard the rumours too. She too has doubts about his chances. And his behaviour was rather questionable. Ghosting the company, not attending any family functions. It was  creating a negative impact on his profile and ability to become CEO, but the question is

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