۰10۰ Humiliation/ ذلت

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بہت خاموشی سے ٹوٹ گیا
وہ ایک بھروسہ جو تُجھ پے تھا

The rain pattered heavily. The clouds roared, thunder gleamed in the dark sky. The air was chilly, fresh and cold. The trees were waving in air. Just one huge gush of wind away from leaving their place from the ground. The night had fallen few hours ago, basking the once broad day into endless abyss of darkness. The thunder boomed again and escalated Ghazal's worry as she paced the hallway awaiting her son.

"Where is my son?"

A tensed whisper of worry came out of her lips. She clutched the phone tighter in her hand as she dialed her son's phone again for the millionth time.

"What did Ahad say?"

Sawera's dark eyes cut to Rubina who was sitting on a chair, wrapped in a shawl. She sighed and just told

"He said he's coming home in a few minutes. No sign of Zaviyar."

"Tell him to keep looking. My son is out in this weather, he could be hurt."

Ghazal's voice wasn't pleading. It was ordering. That woman still hasn't learnt her lesson yet. Before the two women could engage in an ugly argument, they heard the roar of an engine. All eyes darted to the door waiting for the man in question to enter through it.

Ahad finally entered inside the house, drenched in rain from head to toe. His jacket had already been discarded somewhere. Locks of hair covered his forehead while the rest sat in a crumble on his head. Water droplets dripped down his arms as he grabbed the towel from a maid wiping his body. He came forward and Ghazal just fired up her question straight away

"Have you found him?" Her voice held a notch of a desperation.

"No. I lost track of him. But I'll find him. I already have someone to tail him. We'll hear from him soon."

A defeated sigh escaped her lips. She slumped down on the chair and held her head in her hands. Rubina sighed and walked to her son.

"You must be tired. Let's go." She held his arm in hers and both the son and mother walked to their side of the house. As soon as they left, Sawera's sharp eyes cut into her daughter in law's.

"Care to explain why he pulled that stunt?" Ghazal immediately straightened. Her spine steeled like she was ready for a battlefield. Gulping, she only shrugged

"I have no idea why he would do that." Sawera shook her head before taking a seat on her wooden chair. Supporting the cane by the arm rest, she muttered

"He humiliated us in front of a third party. He broke the alliance so suddenly. God knows what Daud will do when he finds out."

A troubled sigh escaped her lips. Ghazal's spine stiffened at the mention of Daud. He made it pretty clear that he'll only be at her side until Zaviyar marries his niece. Now the deal has been broken and so is his limit.

The pictures!

Her blood ran cold and she instantly stood up and literally stormed off to her room. Locking the door in her wake, she took out her phone and dialed her son. It went to voicemail. Again. Anger ran red hot in her veins and she smashed the device on the wall. It fell down into many small pieces. Clutching her hair in a fist, she grumbled to herself in anger

"What have you done, my son? Where the hell are you?"

She slumped on the bed, completely defeated. He didn't show any signs of pulling out of this alliance. He was rather happy and contented or so she thought. But he had never once told her anything. He never really gave her any signs of unwillingness or refusal. What happened all of a sudden? Why did he feel that this was the only way out? Why didn't he talk to her? Why didn't he say a word?

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