۰26۰ Wish/ خواہش

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The smell of coffee hung heavily in the air as piles of papers were scattered in different directions on the desk. Ifrah took a sip from many of the many of her coffee cups since morning and went through the document in her hand again. She just took over as the new COO of her father's company and was trying to adjust to her new role as quickly as possible. She was spending days and nights holed up in her cabin just to be make sure she grasp everything right and nothing was overlooked. She signed wherever it was necessary and sat up. Glancing at her watch, she finally decided to take a break and find something to fill her empty stomach with. She quickly cleaned the mess she created and went out of her cabin.

As she waited for her elevator, she wasn't deaf to the whispers going around her back. People were talking. They weren't happy to see her as COO. The previous one retired shortly after she came back from abroad and speculations were that he was forced to resign from his position so she could get it.

She was accused of nepotism and using her perks as the CEO's only child.

It wasn't true. Any of it. She worked hard and fast for her position. To some, it'll look like she was favoured, but she really wasnt. But she didn't need to justify any of it. She didn't give a damn if the people weren't happy. Rolling her eyes, she saw as the elevators door opened, but she was in for a surprise because the person in the elevator was Ghazal Hussain.

"Mrs. Hussain! What a pleasant surprise." Ifrah cheered as she got into the elevator as well. Ghazal smiled one of her those smiles that wasn't too friendly not too stoic.

"We haven't met in so long. I came to invite you to lunch." Ifrah smiled widely and said

"You didn't have to come all the way. You could have just phoned me or my secretary."

Ghazal smiled at her courtesy, but said

"It's alright. Plus, I wanted to see you anyways."

Ifrah nodded her head and both decided to head to a new restaurant known for its Chinese Cuisine. They both were enjoying their meal when Ghazal knew it was time to play her cards.

"You haven't visited the home in so long. Come visit some time."

She said as she wiped the corner of her lips with the napkin. Ifrah's movements halted just for a millisecond before she composed herself and put on a polite smile.

"I'm quite busy with this new change in my life. I rarely get time for myself."

She chuckled a bit in the end and took a couple of sips from her glass. Ghazal smiled lightly. Making a small bite for herself, she muttered

"You are such a strong woman. I don't know if I ever said this, but you're the perfect match for Ahad."

Ifrah's spoon stopped mid air as the words registered in her mind. She looked at Ghazal, but she was busy eating. Putting her spoon down, she only passed an awkward smile.

"He's smart and hard working. And you're just amazing if the word do any justice to your personality."

Ifrah smelled something fishy right then and there. Ghazal was no people pleaser nor she was a nosy neighbour who likes to chat and gossip about the family next door.

She has a motive.

A mask of indifference covered her features and she asked clear and cut.

"What do you want from me?"

Ghazal's foxy eyes darted to her and seeing the raging anger in them, she laughed a bit lightly. Like some evil chuckle.

"You're so naive Ifrah. People are going to take advantage of you."

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