۰31۰ Flirtatious/ دل پھینک

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Ahad knew she was awake

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Ahad knew she was awake. She had been for more than fifteen minutes, but was refusing to open her eyes. He knew it because the way her breaths were shallowing. She was constantly restless and moving her eye balls. He wanted to laugh out loud at her innocence, but decided to savour the moment. Closing his eyes, he acted along with her, pretended that he didn't notice she was awake and kept running his fingers through her hair, playing with the soft tendrils as they remained scattered around the pillow while her body stayed cocooned to his side.

Sahar knew she would get caught if she move unnecessarily again.

But how could she not?

Every time his fingers would comb through her hair, her heart would go in a dive. A shiver ran down her spine again when his fingers combed through the length of her hair repeatedly. His breath falling on the crook of her neck. It was getting too much. Finally opening her eyes, she heaved in a deep breath. Fluttering her eyes, she wished that he had gone to sleep and slowly turned around to face him. Her breath hitched again when his deep brown eyes stared straight into her's.

"Hey." His sleepy voice said as his eyes crinkled at the sides. Gathering her wits, she felt a blush rose up on her cheeks, she said

"Hi." Her voice was raspy and kind of dull.

"You've been awake."

Her eyes widened at getting caught red handed. His deep laughter boomed in the room as he pinched her cheeks. She shook her head and pulled away from him. Catching her hair in a claw clip and looked at the time. It was only nine in the morning, but she needed some conversation to distract her mind with.

"Why didn't you wake me sooner? What must Aunty be thinking about me?"

A seed of anxiety filled her heart as she thought about it. Standing up, she faced him while he looked at her with a lazy expression.

"It's only nine. It's no big deal." She tsk and shook her head.

"She must be thinking I'm so lazy and...."

Her rambling was abruptly paused as she was pulled into a hard chest by her elbow

"You're thinking too much. She won't think a word you're saying."

He was the voice of reason while she was the anxiety ridden. She tried to say something but was stopped by his finger

"Relax and go get ready. I'll join you in a few minutes."

She was ushered into her closet. She turned around to see him still standing by the end of the door. He urged her to choose a dress and she compiled. As she was rummaging through her clothes, an idea lit up in her mind. Taking out a beautiful blue coloured dress, she cheekily turned to him and wriggle the dress in front of him

"What about it?"

He laughed out loud while leaning in on the doorframe and rasped to her

"You're a cheeky little minx."

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