۰06۰ Feast/دعوت

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The Rahman home was bursting with energy and chitter chatter of the people. Daud's family had joined Sahar and her family as they'll be going to the feast together. The living room was loud and everybody looked so engrossed in their conversations, they barely gave a damn about other things.

"I must say Sahar Appi, you're so lucky. Just look how rich his family is."

Fatima, her cousin gushed to her while munching on her snacks and hot cup of tea.

"I agree. They even send a designer dress for you to wear tonight."

Khadija, her other cousin joined in while Sahar only smiled. They've been at her head ever since they arrived. Both of her cousins were rather fascinated with Zaviyar and his family. To the extent, where she started to feel a bit annoyed. But, she never showed it.

"I wish you'll find someone good too."

Sahar told both of them while sipping on her tea. It was true, she received a designer dress. The feast was no ordinary dinner. It was a lavish dinner. Elite families and business men were invited. It was a gathering of the upper class. Although, she felt a bit out of place whenever she attend any kind of that event, but she couldn't really refuse the invite. It would be scandalous. Inappropriate. Her father, Jawad Rahman, was also a businessman, but they were never bathing in riches. They always shared a table while eating, her father always had time for his family. Sahar remembered going to the park on every Sunday with him. Times were good when he was alive.


Not so much.

Sahar's reverie broke when Fatima and Khadija engaged her in a conversation and all thoughts of her father's absence flew out of her brain temporarily.

"Yes, I agree. But I'm trying. We will get through this."

Daud said into the phone suspiciously. His tone was desperate, pleading even. He looked dishelved while talking to whoever was on the other end of the phone. After a few more requests and pleads from him, he cut the call while a curse left his lips.

"What happened?" Daud turned at the voice of his wife. Shaking his head, he dismissed her question nonchalantly.

"Troubles in the company again." Mahrukh's tone was knowing. Like she was anticipating it. No, it seemed like she knew it would happen and she was prepared for it.

"Yes, but it'll all subside after Sahar marries Zaviyar, we'll have our ticket for richness. Nothing will stop us from traveling in expensive cars and you and girls will have unlimited access to shopping."

A wicked grin took over Mahrukh's lips as she dreamed about the time she'll be as rich as the Hussain. Of course, that day, she'll be the happiest she's ever going to be in her lifetime.

"If only he chose to marry one of our daughters."

A bitter thought escaped her mind. Zaviyar chose Sahar to marry when Daud first ask him to marry into his family. It wasn't something he wanted, but expected. Between his daughters and niece, obviously anyone would choose Sahar. She's intelligent, graceful, sweet and beautiful. Not that his daughter's aren't, but they lack the elegancy required to marry an elite. Sahar might be the wife of Zaviyar, but all his money would be Daud's. And they will enjoy every bit of it when the time comes.

"Don't worry. In the end, we'll win."

There was a wicked note in his tone and an equally evil glint swimming in his wife's eyes. Both of them went inside where everyone was busy. The girls were helping each other in the kitchen, while Tanzila sat in the living room watching some news.

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