۰14۰ Proposition/تجویز

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The morning sun was warm as it cascaded its rays onto the roads and streets basking them all in it's warmth. The wind was chilly and cool. A perfect getaway from the harsh heat. The pleasant weather had its charm on Sahar too. She woke up in a good mood. Like all her tiredness was finally gone. She felt naturally thrilled to start the day. She would be joining the hospital. She hadn't decided if she want everyone to know about her broken engagement yet. She only told the Head Nurse and Dr. Sameer. She can only wish she kept her end of the promise and the news hadn't circulated in the hospital. She wasn't so worried about Dr. Sameer. He was a little flirt, but he was professional. He won't create troubles for her.


Sahar hummed a soft melody as she prepared breakfast. She was craving some omelette and fresh buttered toast, top with a steaming cup of Chai. She flipped the egg and put it on a plate. Pouring the tea into a cup, she sat down on the stool to eat. Minutes later, she was joined by her mother who passed a tender smile to her. Sahar stood up and served her mother breakfast.

"You look in a good mood today." Tanzila commented on her daughter's mood. Sahar passed a sheepish smile and shrugged.

"I'll be a little late today. It's just first day after so many days...you know."

Tanzila nodded her head, acknowledging her daughter's reason. Sahar leaned down and placed a small kiss on her mother's forehead and headed out the door. She found the bus quickly in comparison to other days. She reached the hospital after a few minutes ride and headed inside. She went in the Nurse's cabin and put her things there.

"Sahar?" She turned around as she heard Alina who stood by the door.

"You didn't tell me you were coming". Said Alina before hugging the other girl. Sahar patted her friend on the back and they pulled away.

"I thought it's best I join now." She replied as they both walked outside the cabin. Alina nodded her head and then whispered slowly

"I'm sorry. For you know...what happened. I haven't told anyone."

A grateful look crossed Sahar's features and she felt warmth burst inside her chest. Alina was truly a great friend.

"I'm fine. It's going to take more than that to break me."

She winked in the end before joining the other doctors. Alina's lips were adorned with a contented smile. She didn't want to see Sahar lose her charm and lively nature as girls do when something like that happen to them. Not that she's judging anyone.

Just saying.

Sahar's eyes momentarily collided with Dr. Sameer as his hand stopped midway that was putting the syringe inside a crying little boy. She recovered quickly when the mother of the child glanced between the two with interest. Putting on a professional smile, she headed to the boy and knelt down beside him.

"Hey little buddy." Those vibrant green eyes looked directly into hers. Wet and red due to all the crying. His mother's hand rubbed continuously on his back trying to calm him down.

"Now, do you know who is the strongest person in the world?"

The boy had stopped crying, just hiccuping and shook his head. She nodded at Dr. Sameer to put in the injection and continued talking to the boy.

"It's you." The boy's eyes were filled with confusion. Dr. Sameer effortlessly worked on the little boy's arm, a small smile plastered on his lips.

"How?" The boy asked just as Dr. Sameer pulled the entire syringe out. Sahar beamed brightly at the boy and told him

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