۰21۰ Bond/ بندھن

412 40 5

Several clothes lay discarded and unfolded here and there in the entire room. Some were thrown over the couch, other pieces were causally half on the bed and half dangling from the bed. It looked like every piece of clothing from the closet was out in the open. The room resembled a bird's nest. A messy toddler play room. Boxes of shoes lay upside down on the floor and a row of jewelry lined the small dressing table. The sight was equally disturbing and surprising.

Why surprising?

Because the room belonged to Sahar. Sahar's room can never get that messy as it was right then. She always kept her place tidy and neat. She hated the sight of any disorderness in her room. She made sure that everything was in it's place so, she wouldn't have to worry for it later.

Right now

She didn't look angry nor she looked even a tad bit concerned about her over the top messy and turned upside down room, rather she was busy looking at herself in the mirror as she took a glance at the dress in her hand. An irritated scowl adorned her features and she felt angry. Huffing, she threw the dress into piles of other discarded ones and plopped down on her dressing chair. Her eyes ran over her messy room and she hated herself for being the reason for that. She shouldn't have done that. She'll have to sort all of them out. Grumbling, she stood up and started to fold the clothes, quite harshly. The fabric fumbled between her fingers and slipped past her hold making her frustration rise ten fold. She threw the cloth again and grumbled audibly.

"It looks like a tornado ran past you room."

She craned to see her sister standing gazing shockingly at the obnoxious sight of her room.

"What happened?"

Rubab asked while carefully walking, avoiding the boxes of shoes and clothes. She picked a few in her hand and dropped them onto the bed. All the while her elder sister stayed silent.

"I can't find a single appropriate dress."

At Sahar's reply, Rubab's eyes widened. Her sister was never the one to fuss about clothes. She would wear clothes on repeat and didn't really care what anyone would think. To her, it was her choice.

"You have so many beautiful dresses."

Rubab pointed out while eyeing the army of clothes her elder sister oh so dearly marked off of her list of wearing. Sahar shook her head and sat down once again.

"He will be here in an hour and I still don't know what to wear."

A cheeky smile touched Rubab's lips that had Sahar hiss at her statement. The way she delivered the words, it made her look like she was waiting for this moment and was very excited for it.

"I mean... we'll be late."

She quick corrected it although it was futile. Rubab just shrugged and wriggled her eyebrows at her Appi. Sahar narrowed her eyes and threw a pillow at her sister while grumbling

"Shut up."

"I didn't even say anything." Rubab's words were mushy due to her chuckling, but she sobered up when she heard her sister

"Help me."

"Ok ok." She said and started rummaging through her clothes. Sahar made a good decision and started her makeup. She kept it minimum and went for neutral shades that could go with any colour.

"I found it."

Rubab's shriek made Sahar look at her and she walked to her showing her the beautiful mauve dress. It was plain and simple with little detailing, but the dupatta had flares on it that really changed the entire look of the dress, providing both an elegant yet party wear look. It was perfect.

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