۰02۰ Son/بیٹا

556 35 3

Breaths exploded on his lips in several puffs as he completed another lap around the large, wide ground. The sky was still painted in hues of blues and dark. The sun still buried between the heavy layer of clouds. The wind was chilly but not enough to cause goosebumps on his skin. His feet didn't stop. Kept running and running until finally the device in his pocket vibrated with his alarm. Halting, he took out his phone from his trousers pockets and dismissed the alarm.

Ahad Hussain.

A man careful of time and discipline. He has a personality that he had curated so hard with efforts. Always challenging himself with more hurdles and obstacles to finally know about his strength. Of course, he's man who values time like money. To him, time is money and not the other way around. Only fools think that money can buy them time. Wise men make beneficial use of whatever time they have.

He wasn't only a man of wise words and discipline. But a man of power. Aura and elegance. With sharp cheekbones that could cut glass, perfect jawline, arched eyebrows and tanned golden brown skin, he was the epitome of male beauty. Handsome would the last word to describe his charm and looks. He deserves more than that.

Ahad eyed the sky and saw dawn seeping through the clouds. Deciding he has done enough cardio for his muscles, he headed back home. The boundary of his house, of Hussain Mansion, came into view. The gates were wired shut and no one was outside except for the gardener watering the plants. Ahad tipped his head in his direction when the kind gardener greeted him.

"Has Mama woken up?" Ahad asked while accepting the chilled water bottle from the gardener Jameel.

"Nahi Sahab."
(No master)

"Apke liye nashta lagwou?"
(Should I set the table for you)

Ahad shook his head and headed back to his side of the house. It was situated just behind the actual villa. It was comparatively small as the actual villa, but it was his home. Entering through the gates, he silently stepped foot inside the house. It was clean as usual. God knows his mother can't bear a dust in her home. He quietly walked to his room upstairs and directly headed inside the shower. Taking a cold shower, he felt his strained muscles relax under the chilled water.

Coming out of the bathroom, he wrapped a towel around his waist and ran a hand through his hair. Walking inside his walk in closet, he picked out a grey suit along with his Rolex watch from his collection of them. Quickly changing into his suit, he sprayed his woodsy cologne all over him. Dressed in his grey suit with his dark hair pushed back and left unruly, he stood out despite the dark tones of his room. Despite the dark blue colour that painted the wall, he still looked dashing as ever. Like a model straight out of a photoshoot.

Grabbing his coat from the stand on the side of his bed, he padded down the stairs, with the fabric still draped over his left arm. Reaching the kitchen, immediately the aroma of freshly prepared buttered toast and omelette greeted him. Sighing, he entered the space to see his mother pouring the tea into her cup.

"Mama why do you tire yourself too much?"

He asked while placing a small kiss on her mother's forehead. This was something he saw his father doing everyday, so he picked upon it ever since he grew into a man.

"I can never be tired working for you." Rubina pinched her son's cheeks despite him being a grown up adult. Guess, he'll still be her little munchkin who loved to hid behind her legs.

"I can take care of myself." He huffed out while preparing himself a black coffee.

"You drink this obnoxious... whatever that is and ask me not to worry."

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