۰27۰ Animosity/ دشمنی

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Ahad sat in his study reading a document while his glasses stayed perched up on his nose

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Ahad sat in his study reading a document while his glasses stayed perched up on his nose. It was a couple of days or more after his magical meet with Sahar and he was clearly in a good mood after that. He also thought long and hard about how to solve her problem and help that old age home. He was making arrangements and she would get his reply soon. She hasn't contacted him in that matter. One thing he knew about his wife was that she would never ask for him for anything. It was quite obvious how flustered and nervous she was that night. But, he needed to change that. She has to know what even if she would ask him to buy a thousand homes, he would.

His thoughts came to a halt when a knock resonated in his room. He looked up and folded the document and permitted whoever was outside to come in. The door creaked open and Jameel entered.

"Kiya huwa Jameel Bhai?"
(What happened Jameel Brother)

Ahad asked the man while standing up.

"Bari Begum bula rehi ha apko."
(Madam has called for you)

A frown adorned his features at the man's answer and he dismissed him. Pulling his glasses off, he kept them on the table before grabbing his coat from the back of his chair. Exiting the room, he caught sight of his mother sitting and sipping her coffee in the living room.

"I'm leaving, Ammi."

Rubina smiled as her son leaned down to peck her forehead. She blew some verses on him before letting him go. He made a beeline toward the main house and entered the hall. He wanted to see his grandmother, but his steps halted when Ghazal stopped right in front of him. He just tipped his head in her direction and tried to move forward when she sidetracked him. Frowning, he stopped and asked her

"Do you want something?"

He shouldn't be admitting, but he never liked Ghazal. Maybe as a kid, but as an adult, he knew she wasn't a nice woman. At least to him and his mother. He wasn't disrespectful toward her, but he never initiated a conversation with her either.

"I see you are getting quite cozy with your brother's ex."

Disgust washed over him at her words. His jaw hardened at her choice of words, but he reined his anger in and replied deadly calm

"She's my wife. My wife. Address her as one."

Ghazal smirked and that irked him. Because she was definitely trying to do just that. He again tried to move away and this time she let him. He was barely containing his anger when her words resonated again

"I see she has you wrapped around her finger. A sly woman she is."

His movements stopped and he turned to glare at his step-mother. His fists clenched by his sides because he still didn't want to disrespect her as his mother had taught him.

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