۰22۰ Bombshell/ حیرت انگیز

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The sun hasn't risen yet. It was still half dusk half dawn as the sky was painted in mixed hues of different shades of day and night. The call of Fajr prayer sounded not too long ago and the atmosphere was still post-mid dawn. The breeze was cold and comfortably chilly. Many would be sleeping, enjoying the deep slumber of sleep as the weather dropped down a notch. It was cool and calming. Refreshing and windy.

The house was basked in darkness, as it should be. The low voices of the birds were audible through the silent living room. However, a tall figure loomed by the window. Keeping a cup of coffee in one hand, Ahad's hardened eyes were pinned straight at nothing. His stare was empty. No emotion visible in those orbs as he took a sip from his cup. Putting the cup on the stool placed on the side, Ahad's eyes darted to the crumbled note kept on the same stool he placed his cup on. His jaw hardened so tightly against his bones structure, it would break if little applied little more pressure, like literally.

His hand shot up to take the note in it's grip and he read it for the umpteenth time. The words made his anger run red hot. Boiling in his bones with such intensity, it was oozing from his aura as his fist clenched at his sides.

"For so long, I've longed your touch. I've been deprived of your scent. Dreaming about you each and every day. Waiting till the day I'll finally hold you tight in my arms. The wait is agonizing, my love.
But we're going to be together soon. 
Your Love."

Crunching the already damaged paper note in his hold, he felt like finding the person who wrote it in the first place and beat the living crap out of him. It could have been a mistake that this note was sent to Sahar. But it didn't seem like one. The flowers were colourful, just as Sahar likes them. He bought the same kind for her too. It's been days since their last meet up. He's been busy since then. He hired someone to investigate the mystery behind these unwanted flowers and disgusting notes. And the fact that it wasn't the first time she recieved something like that boiled his anger even more.

His anger ridden state was disturbed as he heard footsteps approaching. He knew his mother would be coming down the stairs. She never sleeps after morning prayer. He quickly thrust the note in his pocket and faced the hall. His mother's footsteps stopped as she glanced at him

"You're awake early today."

Rubina said as she walked toward the kitchen to prepare morning tea for herself. Ahad too followed her and sat down on the kitchen stool.

"You need coffee?" She asked. He shook his head in a no. He just had one.

"You seem stressed out these days. Did something happen?"

Rubina asked as she sat down and sipped her tea occasionally.

"It's work."

He hadn't told his mother about his injury yet. She would just worry unnecessarily. The wound had healed almost completely. No need telling her.

"How are things between you and Sahar?"

Ahad glanced at his mother, but she only looked at him seriously. He had a feeling she was doing this on purpose. She likes teasing him to no end. He didn't show any emotion and just went with a neutral answer

"It's good. We're getting to know each other."

"I can't wait to bring her home. I should talk to your grandmother. It's been more than a couple of weeks. We shouldn't be delaying any more."

He really didn't know how to feel about that. He just glanced at his mother and said

"Whatever you deem right."

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