۰24۰ Suspicious / مشکوک

326 40 6

اس آخری عدالت سے ڈریں
جہاں منصف بذاتِ خود عینی شاہد ہوگا


In a whisper, his name escaped out from Sahar's lips as she gazed at the tall man with shock evident in her eyes. The supposed phone call was long forgotten as she stood there in a state of utter disbelief. She never would have imagined that she would encounter her ex-fiance this soon, that too when she's there to met her husband who happened to be his brother.

Can this situation get any worse?

Sure it can!

The man before her started to stride in her direction and that's when her senses kicked in. She broke the eye contact with him and started to walk in the direction of the elevator. The man quickly changed his way in haste and followed her while calling out her name

"Sahar, listen to me."

She ignored his voice, but one other voice registered in her ears

"Ma'am please leave before I have to call security."

She rolled her eyes and rein in her anger and turned to face the rude obnoxious receptionist who was towering over her in her three inches long heels. Without them, she must be the same height as her. Girls obsession with high heels is still beyond Sahar's sanity.

"What's wrong? Sahar, tell me, is there a problem?"

Zaviyar's question was directed at Sahar, but his eyes followed the receptionist who was eyeing her like a hawk.

"Not your business."

She gritted at him and take out her phone to call her husband. She'll murder either Zaviyar or the receptionist otherwise. Before the call could connect, they all were silenced upon a deep strong voice

"What's going on here?"

Sahar turned around and instantly relaxed when she saw her husband standing inches away from the staircase. Slowly, he walked in their direction with powerful strides, oozing aura and confidence. Stopping right beside her, he asked the receptionist again

"Why did you leave your desk and standing here?"

His voice came out cold and strict. The receptionist visibly paled at his voice and replied after a while of gathering her courage

"Sir, this woman, she wanted to meet you. I've told her you won't meet her, but she's persistent and not listening."

Sahar glared at the receptionist. She didn't know where was this anger coming from.

"Do you even know who this woman is?"

Zaviyar's loud voice silenced everyone as all heads turned in their direction. The receptionist looked scared and humiliated and that melted Sahar. She didn't want that kind of humiliation for her. She was only doing her job. Tapping her husband on the arm, she hinted him to bend forward so she could whisper in her ear

"Don't humiliate her in front of everyone."

Ahad, who was still bent, which was a daunting task since he was 6'3 and his wife was around 5'7, eyed his wife with confusion.

"Didn't she insult you?"

She gasped and shook her head frantically. Squeezing his arm, she persisted

"Stop him."

He rolled his eyes, but still obeyed his wife.

"Stop it, Zaviyar. She was only doing her job. Let her work now."

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