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The sun was shining bright as its yellowy golden rays fell on the ground basking the earth and its inhabitants in a golden halo

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The sun was shining bright as its yellowy golden rays fell on the ground basking the earth and its inhabitants in a golden halo. The birds were chirping a lot. They've been chirping since the first break of dawn and haven't stopped in a long while. The weather was lovely and it wasn't overly hot instead the wind was blowing and it was cool.

Sahar stood on her room's window gazing out the window as she eyed nothing in particular. She just stood and felt everything around her. The chirping of birds, the gust of wind, the warmth of the sun and just the feel of standing there and looking through her window. The wind made her hair fly in all directions and her hands shot up to tuck them inside her ears when a familiar scent of earthy and oils wafted past her nostrils. Her eyes opened and fall short on her reddened hands. Opening both of her palms and putting them in front of her eyes, she was amazed by how dark the colour was. It was the most darkest shade of maroon. The scent was so empowering that she couldn't smell anything else. She traced the intricate designs and recalled how she was teased during her henna session by her sister and cousins and friends.

"Appi I've heard, the darker the colour of henna, the more your husband will love you."

All the girls shouted in affirmation as Rubab spurt nonsense. Sahar passed a small smile. Although, she didn't believe in that stupidity, she still joined in to just have fun.

"Ahad Bhai even sent flowers for her. And let me tell you, that was the most gorgeous bouquet I've ever seen in my life."

A chorus of ohhs and omgs left the girls mouth while Sahar blushed. Her eyes caught onto her mother's who was looking at her with glassy eyes. She shook her head as if to tell her not to feel sad, but on the inside she wanted to burst into tears. Her eyes roamed her house as she familiarized with each and everything. Suddenly, she felt like the walls of the room were closing in on hers. She felt her throat clogging up as she was attacked by emotions all at once. She hastily rose to a standing position and said to nobody in particular

"I'm tired. I'm going to be my room."

She barely controlled the break in her voice and just wished no one would notice her. Thankfully, no one did and she easily escaped the hall. She hurriedly climbed the stairs in her long frock and barely controlled her emotions. As soon as the door of her room got close, she locked it and sat down on the bed. As the quietness of the room engulfed her, she finally felt at peace and let out her tears. They cascade down her eyes as she wept silently over the fact that she won't be with her family from the day forward. She shouldn't be crying rivers because a beautiful chapter of her life was about to start, but still nothing could ever have prepared her for the actual day. As she sat in her own world crying her eyes out, her phone rang loudly in the room. Casting a nonchalant glance to the device, she found the caller to be her husband. She ignored the call, not wanting to talk when she was this messed up, but the phone went on ringing.
Irritated, she drew in a deep breath and attended the call

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