۰20۰ Mishap/ حادثہ

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The days went smoothly. It's been more than a week to the marriage and it's been all quiet and peace on all fronts. The news of Ahad Hussain's marriage was a surprise to many. It was speculated that Zaviyar would be marrying first and that Ahad had no plan of tying the knot anytime soon. So, of course, everyone was in for a very unexpected surprise. However, the news died down quickly after a few days of celebration and the media moved on to other gossips much to Ahad's contentment. He hated sitting through a press conference talking about his marriage. The reporters were asking all kinds of questions

"How did you two meet?"
"Did you date each other?
"Why did you keep your relationship hidden?"
"Will your wife be hidden from the cameras?"

He answered politely, the replies were already been written by his PR team and he was expecting questions like that, but still it annoyed him to no limit. Why were people so incredibly obsessed with his private life? Why can't they just leave him in peace? The conference ended after long two hours and he was exhausted to no end. He was very much pleased to flew away from that place. He did the first chance he got. Unfortunately, he couldn't meet his wife. By the time he was free, she was already long gone.

He too didn't mingle and went back to his house and in his room. As he opened the door, the remnants of the beautiful moment the two shared ran in his mind. Ohh how flustered she looked with the tinge of red coating her cheeks. She looked absolutely gorgeous in that blue colour and her shyness just added more to her angelic beauty. He chuckled as the scene rolled before his eyes like it was happening right then. Just as the beautiful memories took root in his brain, all the bad memories came rushing back too.

Of how she didn't want anyone to know about their relation yet.

He understood her, but still the pang that hit his chest was unexplainable. He was hurt, yes for sure he was. He didn't know what he was expecting, but he surely wasn't expecting the horrific look that passed her eyes at just the mere mention of their relation announcement. She looked terrified. That's what hurt him the most. Or maybe he was overreacting. Maybe, she was just nervous and anxious. Whatever.

He dismissed all those thoughts of the night and took a nice warm shower, changed into a shirt and trousers and plopped down on the bed. Sleep was a foreign topic to him, so he just read some e-mails and did some work that was needed. Now that he was married, his reponsibilities would increase ten fold, both maritally and practically. People would expect more from him. There's that believe that a man with a family is a better leader. All because he has got this sense of responsibility and leadership. Which is true to some end. But all in all, the coming days were going to be hard on him. With Zaviyar gone, all eyes were set on him like a hawk, analyzing each one of his moves.

He has to be careful more than ever right now. He couldn't let anyone doubt his potential and his stability. He wouldn't back down. He couldn't back down.

The conjuring thoughts kept him up for another hour before he finally surrendered to sleep.

Few days have passed smoothly with little to no drama. Everything was going on fine and nothing seemed out of order. As expected, the shareholders were ecstatic about his wedding. Many congratulated him and many speculated great achievements from him now that he was married. Like he wouldn't do the exact same thing without the tag of marriage. People were insufferable sometimes.

Ahad finished signing whatever files were remaining and headed back to his cabin. Just like his room, his cabin was drowned in all sorts of darker shades. From deep grey desk and same coloured bookshelves topped with many files and a small round table in the corner with a small couch, his room was equally professional and just according to his taste. Another memory resurfaced in his mind of his wife observing his room with quite a lot of distaste. He was sure she didn't like his room one bit. He couldn't say if she's those girls that were just obsessed with pink, not that it's any wrong with girls who like pink, but to imagine his wife as a girly girl was...quite difficult.

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