۰03۰ Bickering/جھڑپ

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The brushed clanked against the dresser as Sahar's eyes run down her reflection in the mirror

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The brushed clanked against the dresser as Sahar's eyes run down her reflection in the mirror. Hair swept at one side, clipped into a half downdo and half updo. Small studs adorned her ears. Basic makeup adorned her skin. Natural hues of pink and red coated her cheeks while her big eyes were bare of any makeup. Squirting some moisturizer in her hands, she rubbed it all over hands and arms before finally standing up to have a full glance at her form.

Red shalwar suit with her dupatta lying on her right shoulder. She looked presentable or as Ghazal would say. Appropriate to be seen as a Hussain.

Her mother in law to be has quite a knack for appearances. One that made her want to run to the mountains.

She turned around before applying a generous coating of nude lipstick and sling her bag on her shoulder. Wearing flats, she padded downstairs where she heard her mother talking to her Uncle. The voices grew loud the near she got.

"She shouldn't be going like this. I really don't approve of it."

Sahar frowned hearing her mother words. She knew really well that her mother was opposed to meeting Zaviyar outside of Nikkah. But she tried her hardest to tell it to Zaviyar and Ghazal only to be ignored or called conservative.

"It's not ninties anymore. We're living in a modern era. It's acceptable."

Sahar reached the living room where she saw that her mother was clearly upset while her Uncle made his point. He was in his mid sixties. His hair were completely gray, but his attitude remained the same. Brut and Inconsiderate as always. Sahar handled the situation before it could escalate any further.

"Asalamoaliukm." Both of their heads turned in her direction as she greeted.

"Are you ready?"

Her uncle, Daud, as always skipped the pleasantries and aimed straight to the main point. She nodded her head, but he was already out the door. Sahar's head turned where her mother sat, a deep frown edged on her lips. Walking toward her, she knelt down and held her hand.

"I know it upsets you me meeting Zaviyar. Trust me, I don't like it either. I've tried telling this to them, but they just won't listen."

Tanzila sighed before cradling her daughter's face in her warm hands.

"I know, doll. I trust you. It's them I don't." Sahar squeezed her mother's hand before assuring her once again

"Then trust me this once. Know that I'll never do anything to upset you. Ever."

Sahar's lips formed in a smile as the shadows of worry slowly dissipated from her eyes replaced by warmth. Placing a kiss on her forehead, she bade her daughter farewell. Sahar walked outside and sat inside the car and Daud ignited the engine roaring the vehicle back to life.

The tyres screeched before the car halted. Sahar turned to open the door, but stopped when she heard her uncle say

"Don't do anything to upset Mrs. Hussain. Be obedient to her. I don't want her complaining to me about you."

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