۰25۰ Evil / برائی

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The smoke from the cigars evaporated in the air after staying for a tad bit in the air. The smell of drinks and cigarettes was wafting in the entire room which was dimmed in darkness with little to no light. The figure sitting respectively on the sofas looked quite engaged in whatever conversation they were having. It looked mysterious and nothing close to a common what's the weather conversation.

The aura surrounding the room smelled of evil, malevolent and all bad things combined in one evil entity. Daud puffed another puff of his cigar while maintaining eye contact with the man sitting in front of him. He didn't think he would see him that soon. His eyes stayed glued on Zaviyar as he occasionally sipped on his glass of some obnoxious drink.

"Why did you really call me here?"

Daud didn't react immediately at Zaviyar's question. Rather, he waited. He weighed his options. Was this the right move? Could Zaviyar really be helpful? What if he turns out to be the loser people think he is? What will he do then? He couldn't just make castles in air. He needed a strong foundation. He was building an empire not some circus tent for goodness's sake.

"I think we have the same enemy."

Daud reared back with a witty reply. He wanted to see how far his hate for Ahad went. He needed that confirmation before deciding to make his next move. Zaviyar gave nothing away, but Daud was keenly observing him. He noticed how his fists were clenched. So tight they were turning white. Daud smirked lightly knowing he hit the spot. He was absolutely going in the right direction.

"I'm thinking of buying a building where I can deal with things."

Zaviyar was no kid to understand what he meant by 'those things'. Of course, Daud loved money and he would do about almost anything to get it.

"You need a disguise."

Zaviyar concluded his sentence. Daud clapped his hand as if appreciating him.

"There's an old age home which Sahar frequently visits. I heard its going to be sold soon. The women of that old age home can move in the building I'll buy and it'll be the perfect disguise."

Zaviyar attentively listened to Daud. Of course, that would hide everything spotlessly. 

But there was a question.

"Why do you need me anyway? You have a solid plan in your hand."

Daud nodded his head. His prey was falling right in his trap, just like he wanted. Brilliant!

"I'll put this offer up to Ahad. He'll make many objections and demand I show him the business. I need you to vouch for me and that's its kind of a joint project or something."

Zaviyar nodded his head and took a large gulp of his drink. Settling the glass down, he said

"You signed your shares to him. He's the CEO. If he refuses, then it's the end."

Daud nodded again. Of course, he wasn't a kid to know about this very certain important detail.

"He'll agree if someone convinces him."

Zaviyar chuckled darkly at Daud completely understanding where he was coming from.

"Sahar." Daud smiled and filled his glass with that drink again. Both clinked their glasses and had a large gulp as if finally coming to a victory.

"You really did come fully planned." Daud shook his head at Zaviyar's comment and resumed drinking his drink, imagining the time when he'll be on the top of the world.

How magnificent!

It was late when Zaviyar returned home after meeting Daud. The sky was almost dark, painting the entire neighbourhood in midnight blue. The house was silent as he entered through the gates. Making his way to his room, he headed to the shower. After taking a nice long shower, he came out dressed in a loose shirt and pants. He made his way down the stairs to find himself to eat when he was stopped by the sound of his mother's voice. Turning around, he found Ghazal standing by the end of the stairs.

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