Chapter 1

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7:30 am

I was rudely awaken by the sound of my alarm screaming in my ear. The annoying beeping repeated its self again and again and again. I debated shoving my pillow over my head to try ignore my alarm and just go back to sleep but once it finally hit me that I had collage I rolled over and shut the beeping up.

I stretched my whole body out, while also rubbing my eyes in attempt to wake myself up a bit more. I then pulled my covers back letting the cool air of my apartment hit my skin which sent shivers up my spine. My white jumper was screwed up at the end of my bed so I quickly pulled it on over my pjs and hopped out of bed. Before even leaving my room I made my bed and put last nights clothes, that were on my floor, into the wash basket in the corner of my bedroom.

I slowly waddled over to my kitchen to make myself some breakfast and a cup of tea. Avacardo on toast was what I opted for this morning as well as a honey tea. I sat down at my small kitchen table to eat and to also text my best friend Sophie to confirm that she was actually going to come to school today.

I've known Sophie for most of my life, we met in primary school after she moved from her old one. Year 2 I'm pretty sure, and ever since then she's become my closest friend. I even lived with her for a while after I got taken away from my parents because it wasn't safe for me to live with them. Once we got to college Sophie met some new friends which obviously didn't bother me, however they weren't my type of people. They were the type of girls to skip school to drink and smoke and that's something that I would've never thought about doing. All I want to do was get through college and move away so I never have to see this shitty town again. Despite Sophie's friends she's always there for me and I know if I ever needed her she would drop everything to come to me. And that is all I need of her.

I finished up my food and also found out that Sophie was coming to school today, she said she'd meet me before class starts. We've always met before collage starts on the days she'd come in. We have a class together that we meet for as well as just to check up on each other as I don't see her much throughout the day. I usually sit in the library or a group of friends that I made. Well... not my friends, just people who I tolerate.

I got into the shower to wash of the sweat from sleeping and to wake myself up a bit more. I wasn't really feeling school today. Not that I do ever but today felt especially hard. I got out out and sat at my dressing table to dry my hair. I also straightened my hair like I do most days, I could never wear my natural hair it's just to much work.

I did my everyday skincare and put on a little bit of makeup. Concealer, blush, powder, brow gel and mascara. I picked out the clothes I wanted to wear the night before like I always do. I like to able to stay in bed for as long as I can and if that means choosing my clothes the night before, then I'll do so. I chose I white cropped jumper, black jeans and my brown Ugg boots.

Simple but affective.

I checked the time and I was right on time. I finished packing my bag which consisted of me putting my photography sketchbook in my there and also a bottle of water. I grabbed my keys and left. Locking my door on the way out because I never forget to do that. I have a little fear of someone breaking in, even when I'm home my door is always locked.

"Morning briony." The little old lady who lives two doors down from me was collecting her mail from the boxes by the front of the apartment block doors. Betty was her name, she must of been in her late 70s and she never failed to say good morning to me. Sometimes she's even wait at her door for me to walk past just to say good morning. I think she may be a little lonely.

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