Chapter 29

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Chapters 29

It's been a week since I've last seen Harry. The day after the attack I woke up and he wasn't there. I assumed maybe he had gone to sort things out and he was coming home, but he never did.

I've hardly left my bed during this time, and I haven't taken off the T-shirt that Harry put on me the day if the attack. Sophie came round a few days ago and I filled her in on what happened. Well, not all of it. I had told her that I came home from the shops and a man was here robbing the place. I didn't tell her that Harry got him away, just that he ran when he heard police sirens. She asked me about the shirt I was wearing but I just told her I bought a baggy shirt to sleep in as they are comfy. Somehow she believes this shitty lie.

Sophie has been great, she came over three days ago and hasn't left. She's been making me food and making sure I'm just okay. She actually forced me to shower today as I hadn't. I really had no energy. I lost most of my fight trying to get the man off of me but when I realised Harry had left my aura just dissipated.

It's weird, the last time Harry went MIA for three days I missed him but I carried on with life. I was upset but I was able to almost forgot him and continue to be myself. But this time I feel like I've lost a part of me. I miss him, I just want him back but mainly I hope he is okay.

"Babe we have to do something." Me and Sophie have just finished out a hundredth movie of the past four days. Sophie lent forward and paused the laptop which was just running the credits of clueless. "I'm sorry Bri but I don't think I can sit here and watch another movie."

I rolled over onto my back and faced the celling. I really was not in the mood to leave my bed. I also didn't want to face anyone with a massive gash on the side of my face. "Look Soph, I love you and I really appreciate you staying here the last couple of days but I'm really not feeling it. But I am not going to stop you if you want to go out."

Sophie pulled back the covers and jumped up onto her knees in front of me. She leant down and grabbed my arms yanking me to sit up I front of her. "Briony! Come on girl! You haven't left this place in a week, you've just been sitting in your bed doing nothing and you could really use with getting out the house. I get that you may be worried seeing that man again but I Solemnly swear that I won't let no one touch you while we are out. Also you really need to change out of this smelly thing."

I looked down at Harry's top I was still wearing. After my shower I just changed back into it. Wearing it makes me feel safe and makes me feel closer to Harry, even though it seems he doesn't want to be anywhere near me.

I looked back up at sophie, she still has hold of my arms. I understand what she's saying and that she just wants me to be back to myself. Had this been any other Saturday night I would be up for going out. There's only one club we can go to and that's because we know the owners of it so they always let us in even though we are underage.

I went back and forth deciding whether it's a good Idea or not but the look on Sophie's face had me in a trap. "Okay fine, but I wanna be home by like-"

"Three am! Okay perfect!" Sophie cut me off and pulled me into a hug. "It's gunna be so good!"

I didn't have the energy to argue with Sophie about the time I want to be home. She pulled back out of the hug and ran to my closet and started to rummage through it. I knew Sophie wasn't planning on going home to get changed so I just sat back and let her pull out different outfits she might wear.

"Oh yes!.." Sophie quickly turned around back to the bed. She was holding a hanger that had a black low cut dress on it. It was silk and ended mid thigh, Sophie gave to me last year to wear to her eighteenth birthday party. ".... You should a thousand percentage wear this Bri, it looks amazing on you."

I nodded and pulled myself out of bed. Sophie went back to looking in my closet for sotmhung she could wear. I oucked the dress up of the bed and held it in front of me while looking in the mirror. I was just trying to do anything to give me some motivation to go out. The dress was so nice, I really liked it the last time I wore it but I just really didn't feel up to getting all glammed up. This dress needs to be worn by a confident person to make it look good and that just wasn't me at the moment.

I threw the dress back on the bed and sat at my dresser. I obviously needed to sort the cut on my face before I went anywhere. It was all scabbed over now, when the pool I've came one of them looked at it for me. She told me that it was pretty deep but not enough to need stitches which was lucky I guess. It's still really red and quite large.

I couldn't help but just stare at it. I felt so defeated every time I looked at it because it just emphasised how weak I am. I couldn't help but tear up the more I looked at it. I hadn't actually looked at it since it happened, like I said I haven't left my bed.

Sophie noticed I had started to cry so ruched over and knelt on the floor next to me. She used her two middle fingers to wipe the tears from under my eyes. She just sat at smiled at me, not like a grin or a smirk just a genuine smile.

"You don't have to worry about this Briony, yes it happened, but it doesn't mean anything." She opened up the drawer of my dresser and pulled out a pack of tissues I keep in there to continue to wipe my tears away.

"I know but it's just so ugly and it just represents how weak I am." I sniffled.

"You Briony are not weak. No way, the shit you've been through and the person you are today emphasises perfectly that you are in no way weak." Soph spoke firmly, like she really wanted me to listen to her. I was so thankful for Sophie, she really is the best friend that anyone needs. She's just the best with words and knows exactly what to say and when.

"Here.." she started looking through my draws for foundation and an eyeshadow pallet that had a light green in it. .." we will use these to cover the stupid mark. The green will correct the redness and then the foundation will cover it completely."

Sophie is way better at makeup than me so I trust whatever she says, I usually just put concealer, blush and mascara so I'll let her take the wheel with covering the mark.

I just really hope Sophie is right about this night out, although I don't want to go I do want to just carry on with my life and possibly forget about Harry Styles.

If that's even possible.

Sophie is literally the best!!!!!
I want to apologise once again for how long this took to come out but my parents surprised me with a vacation and I've only just come back, I'm hoping to get a couple of chapters out these next few days so please give me some time.

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