Chapter 31

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Chapter 31
Harrys POV

"Why the fuck am I here." I huff to myself while sat in my car staring at Briony's apartment window. The one I'm looking at is in her bedroom, I can see that the blind is shut but she has a little pot plant sat on the windowsill so I know it's her room.m

I couldn't sleep so I decided to go on a drive, I do this quite often when I can't sleep but what I don't usually do is end up watching someone's house for an hour like a creep. It's almost three am and I've been sat looking at bri's window for a while. I so badly want to just go knock on the door and fucking smash my lips into hers but I know I can't. I'll get in trouble and just put more of a target on her back.

I doubt she wants to see me anyway.

I felt like a pure dick when I left the night of the attack but I did have every intention of coming home after speaking with Samuel, but that conversation didn't go as I wanted it to. I've missed her like fucking crazy and I hate it.

I don't hate her but I hate that I can't stop thinking about her. I don't know what's fucking wrong with me, yes I knew that I liked her but I have this other feeling and it's playing on my mind. I need to stop this stupid shit because it's just going to end badly and I don't need to add that to my list of fuck ups.

My car was getting cold now, the black jumper snd sweatpants I have on only hold so much heat. I turned my keys to turn the ignition on ready to drive away. I can't sit here any longer, i don't want anyone thinking I'm some creep.

Just as I was going to drive away I noticed a figure come around the corner of the apartment building towards the entrance. I stopped what I was doing to look at the figure, I was worried that my boss may have sent someone else to Briony's door. However, the more I stared the more I realised that it was a girl, holding a pair of high heels walking bare foot.

I flashed my headlights on and they lit up the pathway wheee the girl was walking. When she turned her head my heart sank. I jumped out my car and ran over to the girl. "Briony, what the fuck are you doing?!"

Her eyes widened when she clocked on to who I was. She stumbled back and I could immediately tell that she was hammered. I'm guessing that she had been out with Sophie considering she was wearing a tiny black dress and had makeup on. It was all smudged around her eyes like she had been crying.

"Oh! L-look who it is." She slurred as she spoke, making it more clear just how drunk she is. She turned to walk away but tripped and fell into the wall. Her heals that she was holding dropped to the floor making her jump. I bent down to pick them up but she pulled my arm back. "I've got it."

"Briony just let me help you inside." She rolled her eyes and took another step forward and stumbled. I came up beside her and wrapped my arm around her waist. She instantly relaxed into my arm allowing me to help her walk.

With every step she took she stumbled, it was almost impossible for her to walk in a straight line. She must have drunk shit loads of alcohol for her to be like this and from what she's previously told me she isn't even I big fan of drinking. I somewhat feel responsible for this.

We managed ti get through the doors, I went to guid her to the stairs but when we got to the bottom of them Briony told me there was no way she could get up them. I would have just carried her but I don't know what sort of terms we are on. Going by the first thing she said to me, I'm pretty sure it's bad terms.

The lift doors shortly opened and we walked in, briony quickly walked out if my hold and collapsed against the wall of the lift. I let her have her space and clicked the button to take us to her floor. The lift is old so after the doors shut it took a while to get going.

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