Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Nice of you to join us Mr Styles." Mrs Lions turned around from the white bored she was writing on tho stare into the eyes of the idle looking boy who just walked into her classroom. "Take a seat please."

Harry looked around the class room and caught glance of the only table that had empty seats. My table. I tried my best not to stare at him as he dragged his feet across the floor towards where I was sitting. His brown Chelsea boots scuffed the floor as he walked. He had black skinny jeans on and a baggy white t-shirt on that revealed the tattoos that covered his arm. He had long brown curly hair that fell just past his shoulders. It was almost Impossible not to stare at this man.

My teacher continued to talk about different photographers, I wasn't really paying attention. My attention was mostly focused to the extremely attractive man that chose to sit directly next to me instead of any of the other empty seats. I shuffled to the side a little bit just to give him some space but he just looked at me as if I was crazy. I could feel the heat in my cheeks rising, I was sure I was as red as a fucking tomato.

Class felt like it had gone for hours but I finally took my eyes off my teacher and looked at the clock for it to read 9:45. Fifteen more minutes. I had avoided looking at Harry the entire time but I did look down at his note book which actually had everything in it that Mrs Lions had asked us to write.

In my head I always thought that Harry was the type of person to do jack shit in lessons and that he's only here because that where his parents want him. He's been in my class for 2 years but I've never been sat close enough to him to notice anything he does.

"Right then guys, ten minutes left and as this is your last year of this class before you graduate. Your year will be in partners." Mrs Lions took at seat at her desk and started to rummage in her draws and pulled out a list of names. "I have arranged the partners for you and who ever you get paired with will be the person you'll do work together for the rest of your time at this school."

I was shitting it. I don't speak to anyone in this class. I know no one, not one person in this class I would want to be paired with. Mrs Lions continued to read names off the list and it felt like hours before she got to my name. "And the final pair Briony Kay and Harry styles."


That was it. The bell rang and everyone in the class left. I turned to look at Harry who was putting his sketchbook in his bag. "Urm so we're partners I guess."

"Yep" he had now put the strap of his satchel bag over his shoulder and was leaning on one hand on the table. His bright green eyes were staring into my soul, I felt so insecure stood next to him.

"Should I like take your number so we can arrange stuff?" Harry nodded and I took my phone out of my pocket to hand to him. I watched a crease form between his eyebrows as he typed his number into my phone. Once he finished he handed my phone back to me, turned and left the classroom. All I could do was stare at the number in my phone and wonder how the fuck his year is going to go.


Once I got home, I got changed into grey sweatpants and a long sleeve white crop top. I can't stand being in jeans all day, I feel they are only acceptable when I'm outside my apartment. I also threw my hair up into a claw clip so it would stay out of my way while I did a bit of tidying up around my home.

I was blasting music through my speaker while I was washing up what I used for breakfast when the music dimmed down and a notification sound rung through the speaker. I quickly dried off my hands to check my phone. The notification was from my school planner saying that Mrs Lions had set our first assignment for the year. Reading this made me think I should probably message Harry to see when we could work on a photo shoot for this.

I debated it for a while as I didn't want him to think I was annoying for messaging him the first day he gave me his number but as I like to be organised with my school work I decided to do so.

To Harry
Hey, it's briony from photography. I've just seen that our first assignment has been set, I was just wondering when we could start working on it?

I put my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants and continued to clean around my kitchen. Less then five minutes later I felt my phone buzz.

From Harry
We could do it now to get it over and done with if you ain't doing anything.

I looked at the clock I have on my kitchen wall for it too read 4:30, I decided that I would also feel better if we did this asap as I don't know how consistent Harry is with his school work. I texted him back to say yes and send him my address.

As soon as I fished texting him I ran around my apartment to continue cleaning up. My home wasn't that messy but I didn't want Harry to think I was lazy or anything. I also pulled out my sketchbook from my bag and all of my photography equipment that we may or may not use.

With that I sat on the couch in my small living room and waited on Harry's arrival.

Short chapter!

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