chapter 13

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Chapter 13

When I had gotten out of the shower yesterday, I was greeted with an empty apartment. No one here besides the teddy that sat on my bed. I thought maybe he had gone to his car to maybe get something but I looked out of my kitchen window that over looked the parking lot and Harry's car was nowhere to be seen.

I knew he drove last night as I felt his keys in his pocket when I was trying to get him sat on the bed. It hurt to know that he had just fled. I know I shouldn't think anything of it but the kiss we shared last night felt somewhat special. I get that he was drunk but he kissed me and I was the one to pull away first. He wanted to kiss me.

That's why I was a bit thrown off when I saw his car parked in his usual spot.

Sophie is a no show today, she got drunk last night and texted me that she was hungover. If I was with her right now I wouldn't even think twice about walking towards Harry's car, however, me and my dumb ass decided to waltz over to see if Harry was there.

My confidence was quickly shut down as I got closer to the car and realised that he was actually sat with the door open smoking a cigarette. I was going to turn back around and act like I never got this idea but we made eye contact through his wing mirror on the door.

His eyes locked with mine and the first thing I noticed was the cut on his eyebrow was reopen and had blood smeared around it. I walked up to Harry sat in the drivers seat and again his face was bleeding again. Not as bad as it was the other day but his lip and eyebrow was bleeding. He also had a major bruise on his left eye.

"Uhm, what happened to you?" I spoke to him through the open window.

Harry smirked and opened the car door. "Got in a fight with some boys." I think my face asked my next question for me because Harry gave me the answer without me asking. "They boys from the cafe."

"What!" I snapped. I realise how loud I actually was when I glanced around to see people looking at me. "Why the hell would you do that!" I whisper shouted.

"Because they were fucking assholes to you." He spoke to me as if I was stupid. I just stood in shock that he had done that. I asked him when we were there to not do anything and then he just goes behind my back and does it anyway.

I shook my head and left. I couldn't even look at him, how can he kiss me, leave my house then get into a fight with boys who were horrible to me. This man is so fucking confusing.

I went straight to my first class and took my usual set at the back of my photography room. Today was my favourite types of lesson because it was another free lesson. Miss Lions came in and told us something we could do if we didn't have any photos to edit but then she just told us to get on with whatever. I think these lessons are her favourite too because I notice she just sits doing crosswords all lesson.

I put my headphones in to listen to music while I complete some course work I had to do. I was just minding my own business before I felt my headphone being pulled out of my ear. I turned my head to see the one and only Mr Styles sat next to me with his face all cleaned up.

I rolled my eyes and faced back to my laptop, I didn't have much to say to him. "Look Briony, I'm sorry okay but you really don't deserve to be spoken too like that." He sounded really sincere, I never thought I'd hear Harry ever apologise.

"Okay but you speak to me like shit, what makes them any different." I turned to look at him again.

He started at me for a second, I think he was shocked on what I had to say. "I, Uhm. I'm sorry about that too." His eyes looked directly into mine.

"Wow two apologies in one day, I'm on a role." I laughed while I finished up the sentence I was typing. He smiled at me as well, showing his two front teeth that were a little longer than the rest, as well as his two dimples that sit on each side of his face. They make him seem so innocent.

"Yeah well that won't be happening again." He shrugged. He leant down and pulled out his laptop from his bag. He opened it up and the cover photo was the same photo that he had on his bedside table. I didn't say anything about it but it made my heart ache a bit knowing that he misses his mum and sister.

I glanced at his face again seeing that he's cleaned up his cuts but they still looked so sore. I wondered why he would want to purposely get in a fight if he was already hurt. "Harry I really appreciate what you did, but why on earth would you get into a fight if you're already hurt?"

Harrys eyes darted around the room as if he was trying to find the answer on one of the display boards. His leg started bouncing making me think he was too nervous to answer. "You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to."

"No, it's just Uhm." He tilted his head from side to side still searching for the answer. "I mean I did it because those dicks deserve it but also I need people to think that's the reason why my face is so fucked up."

I nodded trying to understand what he meant.

"Like I can't tell you what exactly happened but the people who actually fucked my face up are not good people and if I was to go spread the word that I got hurt by them I would be in a lot of shit." He whispered to me.

That made sense I guess, I mean I've got no clue what he does outside of school who who those "not good people" are or what they do. But knowing that they don't care to beat up a 19 year old shows they would probably do something worse.

I wasn't going to say anything back to him, I didn't have anything to say but while I turned back to continue my course work it hit me that, that must have been the reason he got into that other fight with Liam. That day he seemed really pissed off with something and I've never known his to have a fight with Liam before.

"Wait, is that the reason you had the fight with Liam?"

He turned to look at me and smirked. "So she is smart." He laughed.

I shook my head and smiled. I liked this side of Harry, the kind of one where you can have a joke with. The kind of Harry where I feel like I can talk to him and not worry about upsetting him.

Harry went back to his laptop but I didn't look at mine. I found my self just staring at him. Besides his cut face and black eye, he really was a handsome man. He had such a strong jawline which is perfectly emphasised by his long curly brown locks. His hair cascaded down his face and was perfectly in the middle of being messy but also tamed.

His eyes though, I could stare at them all day if I could. They were the perfect shade of green, emerald almost. The way his eyelashes fluttered when he smiled made his eyes so beautiful to look at.

I realised how long I was staring and quickly whipped my head back towards my laptop. I shook my head to pull myself back into reality.

What the fuck is wrong with me. Why do I feel like this.

Quite a short chapter but a cute one.

Also yes Harry is 19 but he is long hair Harry🤭

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