Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

You know that feeling where you are so spaced out you don't actually realise how long you've been gone for? Where everything just seems like a blur when you get back into reality, like you forget where you are and what you're doing.

I didn't even realise that was happening until I felt Sophie smack me on the back of the head. "Earth to Briony!" She shouted in my ear. I quickly shook my head and gained consciousness again to notice we were the only ones left in the classroom. "Class ended like five minutes ago, I think we should probably leave now."

"Right yeah, sorry." I quickly shoved my books back into my open bag on the floor. Sophie had already packed away so she just stood watching me. I threw my bag over my shoulder and we left the classroom.

Once in the hallway it hit me that I had to go meet Harry for these pictures. "Shit Soph I've got to go, I forgot about meeting Harry." I pulled my phone out of my pocket to text Harry and tell him I was on my way to his car, I also needed to find out where he was actually parked.

"Are you sure you're alright bri, you spaced out for nearly that whole lesson?" Sophie watched me carefully while I was frantically typing a message to Harry.

"What yeah I'm fine, history is just boring."

"Are you sure it's not because it's the week of your brothers anniversary?" She raised one eyebrow at me, she knows me too well to know I can't lie.

I put my hands down by my sides in defeat, she knows that around this time is hard for me there's no way I could even attempt to lie about this. "Well yeah a bit, but it always is I'm used to it now but I'm just going to take these photos then go home to bed."

Sophie nodded at me and told me to text her if I need her, I gave her a quick hug and turned to go meet Harry. I checked my phone to see if Harry had replied and he told me that he was parked by our collages smoking shelter.

It wasn't even a five minute walks from the history block which was good as I was already running a bit late. Although we did actually arrange a time he told me too meet him after my class had finished which was almost 20 minutes ago.

I darted around the corridors of the history block and ran down the stairs. As I rushed out the door I could see the smoking shelter and a car parked by it. A black BMW parked up in the closet space. Harry was leant on the bonnet of the car smoking a cigarette. He had his usual black jeans and brown Chelsea boots. He also had on a plain black T-shirt that hugged his torso perfectly, I could almost see the ridges of his abs I knew were under there. Over his arms he had on the same red and black checkered shirt he wore when he came to my apartment.

I wondered up to him trying not to stare too much. "Hey sorry that took so long, I got called back after class ended." I tried my best to lie, keeping my head down a little bit so he couldn't see my entire face give it away.

He stood up straight and took one last drag of his cigarette before tossing it onto the floor. As he did that I noticed another bruise on his forearm where his shirt rose up I bit. I didn't say anything about it, I just sunk in the passenger seat beside him.

He pulled out of the car park still saying nothing to me. I didn't know if he was mad at me for taking so long or mad about our conversation earlier. I had no idea but I could feel a sense of tension swimming in the car. The only sounds that could be heard was the background noise of a radio station he had on.

"How was phycology?" I thought I may as well try and make some conversation to ease this awkward silence between us.


"Good." I didn't really know what else to say to that blunt answer. Although Harry didn't really seem like he was in the mood for conversation, I still tried. "Where are we going to take these photos then?"

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