Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Bye Soph!"

"See ya babe!"

Me and Sophie had just parted ways from our usual morning meet ups. She had textiles and I had photography. I was running a bit late this morning so I only had about three minutes to get to class.

I got there just on time too see I was the last person to walk in, well besides Harry but I don't count him. I don't even know if he's coming and when he does, he is late every time. I took a seat in my usual spot at the back and pulled out my laptop. Today was a free lesson which basically meant we could do whatever we wanted that lesson, as long as it was photography related of course.

As Harry already edited all of the photos I didn't actually have anything to do as I printed them out and put them in my portfolio on Sunday. The perks of being at the back is that Miss Lions cannot actually see what I'm doing on my laptop, unless she is stood right behind me. Taking full advantage of this I decided to catch up on a show I've been watching. I stuck in my headphones and pressed play on my show.

Just in case my teacher did decide to wonder round I had a tap open of one of the photos in an editing app that I could just quickly switch too if I needed to. I doubt I will though, miss never really leaves her seat unless someone asks her something.

I was around 10 minutes into my show when John Doe decided to walk through the door. He pushed open the door making everyone's head turn in unison to look at him. When I realised it was Harry I rolled my eyes and got back to my show, I really couldn't be bothered to talk to him.

However of course he decides to take a seat directly next to me again, like the first time he sat with me. As he sat down in the chair I did notice him wince as his back hit the back of the chair. I tried to ignore it but when he winced again pulling his bag off around his shoulder my humanly instincts told me to check on him.

I pulled one of my wired headphone out of my ear and watched how uncomfortable Harry looked pulling his laptop out of his bag. "Harry are you okay?" I whispered to him so no one would hear. Most people also had headphones in, but I just wanted to be sure.

He looked at me and nodded and went back to struggling with his things. I knew he was lying because with every move he made he had such an uncomfortable look on his face. The crease between his eyebrows got deeper, he's eyes wired shut and his nose scrunched up.

"Are you sure because you look like your in a lot of pain-"

"Briony I'm fucking fine alright," he whisper shouts cutting me off. With that he sucked up all the pain he was feeling to get comfortable in his chair.

I rolled my eyes watching him. "God my bad for checking in with you"

"Look I told you just because we are partners for this doesn't mean you have too be up my ass all the time." His whisper got a bit harsher.

"I know that, but you just look in pain." I tried to calm myself down and not snap at him as I really couldn't be bothered with what other hurtful shit would come out of his mouth again.

"Well I'm fine alright, so can we just stop fucking going on." He was staring at his laptop looking at the photos he worked on. I was going to ask him what happened and why he didn't come in but we had literally just argued so I thought better not.

Class went on for a little bit, me just watching my show. I took no notice if what Harry was doing. But Miss Lions stopped us to talk to the class about our next assignment. "So guys I've looked at all your work from the last assignment, well except one." She looked at Harry which made me grin a little bit knowing he was in shit. "Anyways it's time for your next one and that is nature, you mast take photos of whatever you want but it was to include some form of nature. You can take portraits, landscapes, fragmentation. Whatever you like as long as it is in the brief that will be on your planner."

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