Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
Harrys POV
September 7th

"You need to go over there Harry." My father mumbled down the phone. "You need to get it sorted."

"I'm going there now!" I shouted through the microphone on my car. I was already on my way to our bosses house. I had gotten a phone call from him telling me I needed to see him and safe to say he didn't sound very happy.

The phone ended and I continued my drive along a long dirt road leading to my boss's place. I could only imagine what the hell my father has fucked up now. I never know what the expect walking into these surprise meetings. Last time my dad sold things to the wrong fucking people and I had to face the embarrassment of taking the blame.

The things I do for him.

I pulled up outside of the grey brick building. It had a long ass stone driveway that came off of the dirt road. Each side of the drive was covered in meters of grass and at the end of the drive there was a three layered water fountain. It makes me feel fucking sick knowing he tries to flaunt his money.

I got out of my car and walked up to the double, sleek, black front door. Less than 30 seconds after I knocked a 6 foot man with a gun opened it. He took one look and recognised me staring away, that's how many times I have to come to this place. He took a step to the side so I could walk past him.

I walked into the foyer, my feet scuffing the marble floor as I headed towards his office. With every step there was an eco emphasising how empty this massive house is. The walls were white with black accents covering them.

I headed towards a tall black door, I knew that goumg in here meant that I was probably going to get a whack or two. This happens a lot more often than I would like it too. I banged on the door before opening ig and walking into my boss's office.

It was a large room with a round table at one side but in the middle was a dark brown desk in which my boss sat at. His desk was covered in papers, as well as a desk clock and a photo frame of something. I couldn't see the front side as it was facing him, my guess is there's nothing on it and he on,y wants people to think he's not some lonely man with no family.

"Ahh Harry, nice to see you." I was welcomed by my boss standing and pointing me to the seat opposite his desk. "Take a seat."

"Samuel." I nodded and took a seat. "What the fuck has my father done now." I slouched in my chair waiting for the lecture I'm about to receive.

Samuel walked around his desk to get closer to me, he was wearing his usual black suit, white shirt and maroon tie. His hair was short and sleeked to the side with gel, total opposite of mine. He had a scar on his lip which to any normal person would make him look intimidating but I think he looks like a total idiot. But that might just be because he's my boss.

He sat on his desk in front of me, making my head tilt up so I could see his face. He had a dirty grin in his face like he was exited for my arrival. I looked up at him controlling my emotions in my face, I was in no way afraid of him but even looking at him a get mad. He has done me and my father wrong so many times in the past. I have no respect for this man, I on,y put up with him because I have too.

"Well Harry, I'm glad you know why you're here." He clapped his hand together and started to rub them together. "Your father has fucked up many times in the past, but what he's done this time is something that is very hard to fix." He stopped talking to look at me and smirk again.

"Go on." I suggested.

Samual got up from the table,e and started to walk back and forth in front of me. "As you know I do checks on all of my warehouses... you know to make sure the right things are being sold and the right amount is being paid." He used his hands to help tell this story.

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