Chapter 35

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Chapter 35
Harrys POV

What. The. Fuck.

I stared at the picture of Briony for fucking ages. Zooming on her face and her body to try and figure out what the hell happened to her. But I couldn't see anything. There were no bruises, no cuts, no wounds. Nothing. That only made me feel more sick. I had no idea what has happened to her.

I threw my phone down into the passenger seat of my car. I turned the keys in the ignition and raced off out of the car park. I was heading straight for Redrose Hospital as that is were she is. When I was looking closer in the photo I saw that the white bored above her bed said the name of it.

I drove just as fast there as I did to her apartment. My heart was palpitating out of my chest. That photo of Briony on basic life support made me spiral. I cannot believe that I have let this happen to her. I should have never gotten this deep in with her, I should have just stayed fucking college partners with her.

But it was so hard not too.

She's so captivating. Everything about her I'm obsessed with. Her looks, her personality, the way she cares for me, the way she respects me, how kind hearted she is. This girl would do anything for anyone. I would do anything for her. I need her in my life. She makes my life worth living. And I just know that my mother would have loved her. She would have really got on with my sister too.

The drive felt numb, I sped down every road trying to get to her as quick as possible. I made it to the hospital in under ten minutes which considering the drive would usually be more twenty five minutes, I made it in fucking record breaking time.

I sped walk into the hospital, I've been here enough times ti know exactly how this shit goes. I quickly wondered up to the front desk, there was a queue but there was no way I was waiting in it. I need to know what room Bri is in. I brushed through the people to the desk where a nurse sat in an office chair.

"What room is Briony Kay in?" I bluntly asked.

"Sir you need to wait your turn, please go back to the end of the queue." She spoke with a calm tone. She didn't seem angry at me but she definitely wanted me to go to the back.

"What room is she in!" I shouted. She looked shocked that I rose my voice and everyone in the waiting room went silent. "Please." I whispered.

She shook her head before giving me a compassionate look. She turned to her computer and typed, I'm guessing Briony's name to get the information. "Room 347."

"Thank you." I lowly said before turning around and walking to the rooms. I could feel everyone's eyes burning into the back off my head but I didn't care. I stormed away into the hallway of lifts. I looked at the sign of floors to see what floor Bri's room is on.

I pressed the button for the lift tapping my foot as it took ages to arrive. I didn't even let the doors fully open before I walked in and pressed the number three multiple times before the doors shut again. I turned to look at myself in the mirror at the back of the lift. My appearance was all sorts of fucked up. My face looked so pale while my eyes were all red rimmed. My hair looked greasy as fuck and my clothes looked all wrinkled. I never looked like this when I was with briony.

The doors finally opened snd I rushed out and turned left to walk towards the rooms. I looked on every door looking at the numbers, until I got to hers. Room 347. I held onto the door knob and took a deep breath before entering the room.

My whole body slowed down when I saw Briony led in the hospital bed. Her skin was ever so pale and her eyes shut. There was an oxygen mask covering the majority of her face and wires coming out the top of the hospital gown she was wearing. She still looked beautiful in my eyes. Her brown hair was fanned around her head, her hands which were flat by her side had a perfect manicure with light pink nail polish.

I slowly walked around her, lowering myself into the cushioned chair next to her bed. I shook my head and thought about how all of this is basically my fault. I reached out and held her hand. Her skin was so soft and so warm. I missed holding her hand, I wish it were a different circumstance.

I bought her petite hand up to my face and kissed it. The tears started to brim my eyes as I came to the realisation the condition she was in. "I'm so sorry briony, I'm so sorry."

I chocked on my words. My heart was breaking. I hadn't felt like this since I found out that my mother and sister didn't make it after the care accident. I held her hand tighter and rubbed it on my damp cheek. I couldn't help but cry, I never fucking cry but thud girl makes me feel things I never knew I could feel.

A little while later, a female doctor walked in. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail, she was dressed in blue scrubs and a white lab coat. She was holding a brown clipboard which I'm guessing had all of Briony's information on it. She stood opposite me on the other side of the bed. She looked at one of the monitors bri was hooked up to and write something down.

"What happened?" I timidly asked her.

"Briony here was injected with a drug that made her heart stop." Her words almost made my own heart stop. What drug? When?

I think she picked up on my confusion as she sat down in the chair behind her. She places the clipboard down on her lap. I tried my best not to look at her, I didn't want her to see that I was crying. "Hey it's okay to be upset but she will be okay. Give it two or three days and she'll be awake."

I was so glad to hear those words but now that I knew she was going to be okay I needed to know the details of how it happened. "But I don't understand, who injected her and who bought her here?"

If this was my bosses doing, to which I knew it was, he would have had someone bring her to him. He wouldn't have made someone inject and leave her. He wouldn't risk getting caught out like that. It makes me physically angry to think about what he would have done if she made it to him.

"From what I know darling, she was out shopping at Greenlake mall, and she was followed out if the mall to the car park where a thug came up to her and injected her with the unknown drug. A man close by saw the thug carrying an unconscious Briony so he called the cops and an ambulance which made the thug run away." She calmly explained to me.

The anger pumping through my veins was getting worse. So Samuel wanted Briony but whoever injected her fucked it up. I shook my head in disbelief, thinking about the things I'm going to fucking do when I find out who did this.

"Look I can see that your angry love, but Briony needs you. The police are out looking for who did this. The best thing you can do is stay calm and be here for her." I finally looked up at her and nodded. What she was saying was right, but she doesn't know our lifestyle. She doesn't know it will be better for me to stay away from bri.

The doctor nodded before getting up and leaving. I watched as she shut the door behind her and the room went quiet again. The only sound that could be heard were the sounds of the monitors Briony was hooked up to beeping.

I turned my back down to look at her sleeping face. The guilt I felt was unbearable. I cannot believe I have caused so much pain and hurt to the most amazing human in the world. I couldn't fight back the tears that started rolling down my face. My head was spinning with thoughts but there was one I finally understood.

While still holding onto Briony's hand, I stood up and leant down to kiss her forehead. I kept my lips there for a while, almost like I was trying to give her the kiss of life. My tears fell from my face and onto her. I lifted my lips and sat back down in the seat. As much as I wanted to go out and kill whoever did this to her, I also didn't want to leave. I needed to stay for a while.

I bought her hand back up to my lips for the second time and pecked each of her knuckles. My mind was going at a million miles an hour but looking at briony made me come to understand why I think she's so fucking wonderful. I whispered into her hand, a sentence I've never been so sure on.

" I love you Briony."

I thought that the past four chapters were a little short, I also didn't know when to split them up and post them separately as I usually post in twos. So I just thought fuck it you can have a quadruple update!!!!!!

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