Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

No Sophie today. She got drunk last night and decided that she was too hungover to come to school today. I don't blame her, all I need is one shot and I'm basically fucked. However this did leave me walking into school on my own.

As I was walking through the front doors to my school I could hear all of this commotion coming from around the corner. I wondered round clueless to what I'm about to see but my eyes are directly hit with Harry having a fight with Liam Payne, one of the boys in our year.

I ran up to the group surrounding them too get a better view and it looked like Liam was loosing bad, his face was all bloody and he looked like he was getting out of breath. Harry on the other hand had a black eye and a split lip. I couldn't see much of it but his black eye but it actually looked a day or two old, but not that I know much of what I'm talking about, I've never had one.

Eventually a teacher finally notices and split the two boys up. Harry looks fuming, the teacher has old of him on the upper arms and Harry is just heavy breathing and staring at Liam. The teacher is also trying to say something to Harry, probably to try and calm him down but Harry is having non of it. He pulls out of the hold he's in, picks up his bag and pushes everyone out of the way to leave.

I watched him as a swiftly walk out of the doors but then I turned to look at Liam whose face was all still bloody. He had some girl holding a tissue on his lip, he seemed to be just as angry as Harry. What the fuck could these guys be fighting about?

My instincts told me I needed to go check on Harry as no one went after him. I backed away out of the crowd and left to go see Harry. I stood on the stairs of the entrance to our collage but I couldn't see him. I walked around the corner towards the smoking shelter and there he was.

He had is back to me but I could tell it was him straight away because if his long brown curls and his tall figure. He was sat on a bench puffing away on his cigarette. I walked over to him and he must of heard me because he turned to look at me then back away.

"Hey" I stood in front of him and I got a better look at his hurt face. Underneath his eye was a mix of purple and yellow bruises, this black eye definitely wasn't fresh. His lip was still bleeding and I could see a trace of blood on the cigarette he was still dragging on.

"Hi?" He sounded confused as to why I'm here.

"That fight seemed rough, I just came too see if you were okay?" I pointed at his face to show him what I was talking about.

"I'm fine." He took another drag of his cigarette that was almost finished. His eyes were everywhere but looking in my direction which made me a bit uncomfortable but I brushed that off and continued to talk to him.

"Your lip is going to get infected if you keep smoking while the cut is fresh."

"Why can't you just fuck off briony, you never know to mind your own business." Harry stood up and yelled. He was very intimidating when stood as there is a huge height difference between us. He literally towers over me.

I took a step away from him. "I just came too see if you were okay, you don't have to be such a dick."

"Look, just because we've been partnered together doesn't mean you have to be up my ass all the time. I'm quite capable of sorting myself out." He grabbed the bottom of his chin and pulled his bottom lip in. He lent forward onto his knees to get to my height. "Now run along to the library where you sit on your own and read like a fucking freak."

His words felt like a punch in a face. I felt the tears filling my eyes. I tried to pull them back as I was just frozen in shock but a teardrop fell from my eye. Harry stood back up straight and laughed as he pulled another cigarette from a packet. I was still stood in shock and hurt from what he said.

"Fuck off then, have you not got the hint?" He had his cigarette balancing between his lips and was pulling a lighter out of his pocket.

With that I spun on my heel and left. It started as a fast walk but as what he said ran through my head i stared to jog. The tears just fell down my face. I didn't run back into school I got straight into my car.

I got into my car and just let the tears come out for a while. His words were so hurtful, there was no need for it, I just came to see if he was okay. The sun was shining through my windscreen so I pulled my vizier down and at the same time the picture of me and my brother fell onto my lap. I picked it up and looked at for a while. It was me and him when we were younger, maybe around 4 and 8. Looking at this made me cry more, he's been missing for 8 years and I miss him dearly.

I drove all the way home and got changed into my pjs. I texted Sophie and asked her to come round, she said yes but she had to sort herself out. She probably hasn't left her bed all day. I climbed into my own bed to just relax and forget about what Harry said.

I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up to the sound of Sophie's phone next to my ear. She was lead next to me, under the covers on her phone.

"Omg hey Soph," I sat up and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. "How long have you been here?"

Sophie put her phone into her chest and also pulled herself up. "Umm maybe like 40 minutes."

"Oh god, why didn't you wake me up?"

"Well I thought that you must need rest, I know today is hard for you, you even left your door unlocked." She tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and flashed a concerning smile.

Oh my god

How the fuck did I forget to lock my door. I never ever do that. Harry really must have got into my head. I shook my head in disbelief with myself for doing that.

"Are you okay tho bri, today is 8 years since Cam disappeared." She rubbed my arm then squeezed it. I'm always I thankful for Sophie, she just understands me and what I've been through.

"Yeah well, I always knew it was today but I just tried to get on with it until there was a fight at school." I rubbed the side of my head and giggled to myself.

"What! There was a fight and I fucking missed it." Sophie threw her hands up and smacked her head against my headboard. "But wait, why would that affect your day? It wasn't you was it?!" She sat back up and started to push my hair out of my face and pulled the covers back to get a better look at my body.

"Sophie no of course it wasn't me!" I laughed seeing the concern in her eyes making sure I was okay. I saw the relief wash over her as she laughed back with me. "It was that Harry Styles guy, you know the boy who I got paired with for photography."

Sophie nodded. "Well yeah, he was fighting and afterwards I went to go check on him and he was just such an asshole." I told her everything that Harry said and how I stupidly cried about it.

"Awh babe, you crying isn't stupid, today is obviously just an emotional day for you." She shuffled closer to me and grabbed my hands to make sure I was paying attention. "You are not a freak bri and it's amazing that you went to check on him. That's just you, you love to make sure everyone is okay and that's what I love about you. So fuck him and his greasy hair and let's watch movies and eat shit."

I was just smiling at her but I could feel my eyes filling up again. "Fuck, I'm gunna cry again." I tipped my head back and laughed at myself. Sophie put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. We were both laughing but I definitely needed this.

"You should ask to change partners bri, if he's gunna be a dick get rid of him." I nodded in her arms thinking that that may be the best idea.

I can't lie, I hate this chapter but we need it to understand the rest of the story lollllll.

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