Chpater 18

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Chapter 18

Three days...

It's been three whole days since I last heard from Harry. Once that phone ended I never heard another thing from him. I understand that he was mad at me but I didn't expect him to just cut me off. He hasn't even been to school and it really doesn't right with me.

I have been texting him non stop saying how sorry I am but he hasn't even seen them. I feel terrible that I've upset him so much but it's also upsetting me that he won't talk to me. I'm very big on communication. If there's a problem let's talk about it so we can move forward and take the right actions we need to. From this I have learnt that Harry doesn't like communication or he doesn't know how?

I woke up this morning in the same mood I have been for the past couple of days. Moody and upset. I just wish Harry would text me to just say he's okay, even if he tells me he hates me after the message. At least I'll know he's okay.

I jumped out of bed and wondered over to my bathroom to have a quick shower. I don't have collage today so I'll probably just tidy up around my apartment and catch up on some history work I'm a bit behind on. I've been spending most of my time with Harry so at least this distance is allowing me to actually do my work.

My shower didn't last long as I didn't have to wash my hair. I wrapped myself up in my towel and stepped out of the shower in front of my mirror to brush my teeth. I squeezed the toothpaste into my toothbrush and bought it up to my mouth. While I was brushing, I whipped my hand over the foggy mirror to see my appearance. I noticed that the hickeys on my neck were basically gone. The only thing left on there were the goosebumps from the cold air on my wet skin.

I spat out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth out with some water and left my bathroom. I dried myself off and got changed into some comfy clothes as I knew I wasn't doing anything special today. Grey sweatpants and a white baggy T-shirt covered my body, except the shirt hung low on my left shoulder showing my black bra strap.

I sat down at my vanity to brush my crazy hair and put some moisture on my crusty face. I wanted to text Sophie and see if she wanted to come over tonight and chill so I picked up my phone from off the end of my bed.

I stayed sat on my vanity chair and stretched until I felt my phone under my fingertips. I pulled it up to my face and my heart skipped a beat when I saw Harry's name on my Home Screen. I quickly tapped the notification to see what he said but my jaw actually dropped when I had seen the message.

"Don't text this number again."

With my mouth open I stared at the text for a while before I slammed my phone face down onto the table. I shook my head in denial that he'd actually say something like that. I even laughed to myself. I knew we weren't in a committed relationship but I felt like there was some sort of a connection and I know he felt it too.

That's when small tears came trickling down my cheeks. I rested my elbows onto the table and threw my head in my hands. I didn't bawl but the thought of him hating me so bad because of one mistake I made, made my heart break. I could taste the saltiness of my tears on my lips. That's when I thought that I need to get out of this tiny apartment.

I lifted my head out of my hands and stared at myself in the mirror. I picked up my hair bush and quickly brushed my hair, I washed it yesterday and let it air dry so it is very fizzy. It got stuck a few times which made me cry even more because I really didn't need my hair to fuck up when I'm already stressed.

I swear I smacked the brush on my head a couple of times.

Once I looked a bit more together, I stuffed my feet into my Ugg boots, grabbed my keys and headed towards my apartment door. I made sure to lock my house up before I left like I do every time. I wondered down the hallway swinging my keys around on my fingers. I got to the elevator and pressed the button to make it come up to my floor.

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